Chapter 1: A New Beggining

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(oh btw, y:n means your name. OK bye)

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*Y͟o͟u͟r͟ P͟e͟r͟s͟p͟e͟c͟t͟i͟v͟e͟*

It Was a crisp Autumn morning. The sun was just rising above the long road I had just travelled. I had just moved from a small town called Eradale, far away from where ever this is. Oh sorry where are my manners, I'm me, well me is you, well... I'm you. My name is... Well I actually don't have a name, well I do, and since I'm you, it's your name. I used to work as an accountant back home, but, uh well I just decided to move. There isn't a real reason. I'm just... Out there!! *Jazzhands* Oh sorry, I'm stopping the story aren't I. Well sorry, back to the story.

My hands lay firm on the steering wheel of my Ford car, as my car pulled up into, what was now, my new home. It was a beigey- creamy colored two story house. It was kinda big, but I didn't mind. I did have a lot of stuff to bring in and... Oh shoot! My keys! Arghh where are they? Just then a man with short brown hair in a red stripped shirt appears in the corner of my eye.

"Looking for these?" he asks with a polite smile. My house keys are grasped in his hand and he gestures them towards me. I kinda just stare at him, and apparently I've forgotten how to speak.

"hello? Miss?" he asks. Oops, daydreaming again.

"O-Oh my gosh, I am so, so sorry. I kinda dazed out." I reply blushing and a bit embarrassed.

"Hehe, that's ok." he replies chuckling. I start smiling from ear to ear again like a complete Idiot.

"Uh the keys." he replys, bringing me back to life.

"The keys... OH YES THE KEYS!" I say almost screaming at his face. OMG I LOOK LIKE A COMPLETE IDIOT WHAT AM I DOING?!

"I found them next to your car over here on the ground. I saw you coming over and I wanted to greet myself, so I decided to come over. But when I came over you were looking for your keys and, boom, there they are."

"heh.. Thanks again." I say blushing. Dammit why is he so cute, he's a literally living Ken doll!

"anyways, I'm laurance." he says grinning.

"oh, I'm y:n!" I reply enthusiastically. I turn around and unlock my front door. I try to stop blushing so much, so I move around him and proceed to open the trunk of my car, pulling out boxes. Laurence looks over at me, struggling to carry the boxes, he then starts smiling.

"You know, I could ask some of my friends to help you move these in if you want you know?" he says willingly

"oh, um... ok." I answer. Within a few seconds he turns around and heads down the road and opposite the street. By now I've gotten the first few boxes in, but there's a lot more. As I reach the trunk of my car, a face with pure blond hair and blue eyes appears in front of me out of no Where.

"hey there." he says in a soothing voice. I was so off guard that I fall backwards, tumbling over and knocking one of the boxes over with me.

"OH MY GOSH! I AM SO, SO SORRY!" he replies helping me up off the ground. I start blushing as he gently pulls me up of the ground.

"No, no it's ok. I need to stop being so clumsy." I reply blushing harder than before. Damn! Why is everyone on this street so dang cute!

"Wow, Way to go Garroth! So much for first impressions." I hear a sarcastic voice coming from behind the man with blond hair. It's a man in a red hoodie with dark blue hair. I think it's natural? I don't know.

"Oh your the new girl! Everyone on the street's heard you were coming. " Reply's the man with blue hair.

"We were all planning to make a good first impression but 'Garroth' over here... Well you get the idea." added laurance.

"oh by the way," Laurence starts "As you know I'm Laurence, this lovely man over here is garroth, which you've already met, and behind him is the one and only Dante." he replies. Well, so much for first introductions. I mean they are cute, and nice and... Oh god I'm talking to my self again! And I Blushing!? Seriously me!

"Oh, I'm y:n. it's great to meet you guys." I say! "But I should really get started on the..." I gesture over to the boxes.

"Oh yeah sorry!" garroth adds. We start moving the boxes one by one.

"sorry some are a little heavy." I reply. The boys give me a thumbs up and we continue with transporting the boxes.

* * *

"*Huff, huff* Wow thanks guys. You guys sure are strong." I say smiling. The boys start blushing and looking in different directions.

"Well this has been fun, but I gotta get going. Sorry, I was supposed to meet up with Travis later today." Dante says

"oh that's fine" I reply.

" yeah we should probably get going. You just moved in and you should probably have time to Get used to things and relax." garroth adds. I nod and smile it there direction.

"yeah ok. See ya!" I add. The sound of footsteps slowly fad out and the sound of the door closing is the final sound I hear. Back to being lonely again i think to myself. I rummage through a few of my boxes and finally find what I'm looking for. My radio. I sit on the floor boards down stairs, laying in the sun. Geez I am such a cat sometimes. I change the radio to something relaxing and close my eyes. Just enjoying the peace and quiet.

ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜ ɴᴏᴡ

Look this isn't all I'm still doing more chapters! Heck we haven't even seen Zane yet! I'll try and do them soon, I hope *Smiles* for now enjoy and we'll... Keep reading I guess?


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