Chapter 8: A kiss?!

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*(Y/N)'s Perspective*

Everyone moved from there current possition downstares and over to the living room floor where all the sleeping bags and matresses were placed. I moved over, giving Zane room as he became squashed between me and Katelyn. He was already not liking this. On the other side of me, Laurence moved over and sat down. He looked at me and smiled. I know there's two sides of Laurence. The "Let me kiss you baby" side, and the "Hey were cool right?" side. I honestly prefer the second one. I look up at him and smile. I slightly raise my hand, gesturing a wave. He waves back and I slightly start to blush. Travis waits for everyone to sit down, then he stands in between everyone and starts smiling the biggest, kindest smile I've ever seen.
"Alrighty everyone," he starts, "WHO IS EXCITED TO START SOME THOUGHT OR DARE?!" he yells punching his fist in the air. Katelyn throws her fist up in the air after Travis.
"Heck yeah I am!" Katelyn joins in. Dante smiles and gets up. He then puts his hand on Travis's shoulder. He smirks.
"wow Travis. You finally got your girl friend to join in on something you actually said. I'm impressed." Travis starts blushing a bright red and looks down at Katelyn then at Dante.
"N-NO!! S-SHE I-ISINT MY G-G-GIRLFRIEND!!" he stutters. Katelyn rolls her eyes as Dante sits back down. Travis stops blushing. Well he's only blushing a tiny bit now. Wow does Travis have a thing for Katelyn?? Awww that's to cute.
"O-Ok. How about we just start now." Travis adds and sits down.
"Agreed." I say with a slight smile on my face. I look over at Zane, he notices me and smiles a little. Here we go.

*Time Skip*

The dares and truth weren't that bad. None have really been to me. I really am learning new things about My friends, And maybe some things I don't want to know.

*Laurence's P.O.V (haha you didn't think I would do this would you?! Well you were fooled!!)*

Tonight I finally want to kiss (Y/N). She's cute and all, but I know she doesn't like me that way. Just sometime, Anytime tonight. I am going to kiss her. But another thing I've been wondering. What's up with Zane? Like he's been... Off lately. And that's not me being wierd. Like, Zane's been a whole lot nicer to.. Everyone. Even me and far Garroth!
"Has anyone else got any more questions for anyone?" Aphmau asked. No one answered.
"Ok well I guess where d-"
"I do Aph." I say. She looks at me.
"Oh? Sorry go ahead Laurance." she adds and sits back in her spot.
"Yeah, uh... Zane you've been awfully quite tonight. Oh and has anyone else noticed that Zane's been acting strangely... I don't know... Nicer lately?" Zane jerks his head up in attention.
"Yeah you right Laurence. I've noticed too." Katelyn adds. By now everyone's looking at Zane.
"Yeah I have noticed. Anyways baby bro, what's that all about hmm?" Garroth says smiling in his direction. He then gets up and moves over to Zane, getting close to his face. He leans back and his whole face almost immediately turns red.
"Uh... I-I-" Zane stutters. Garroth smirks even closer and bigger to his face. He leans back even more. He's clearly uncomfortable.

*(Y/N)'s Perspective*

I can see what Laurence is trying to do. Zane clearly looks uncomfortable, and by now he's pressed up almost all the way up to the TV. He squirms his head around and looks over at me, clearly asking for help. I openly mouth to speak, when Laurence, VERY RUDELY, interrupts me.
"Oh no. Wait I minute. I get it now. Zane...there's a girl isn't there?" laurance smirks even more evil and intimidating as before. Everyone, (apart from Garroth and Laurance of course), looks shocked. Like their jaws have all literally dropped.
"WHAT?!" Dante, Travis, Kawaii~Chan & Aphmau say at once.
"Wait! Wait, no... No," Katelyn starts, She then begins to laugh, "Zane...haha...with.. A girl??" She starts laughing even harder. Zane looks at her. He kinda looks a little bit sad but only for a second.
"Y-Yeah! What Katelyn said!" Zane's voice slightly brakes. Zane face turns red again as garroth leans his face up so close. Ok I can't stand to watch this.
"Stop!"I yell. Everyone looks at me. Even Zane. I slowly breath in and keep my cool.
"Garroth, Laurance. Zane is clearly uncomfortable. Leave him alone." Laurence's smirk fades within an instant, and he looks at Zane then back at me.
"Sigh...Fine. Sorry (Y/N), your right. Also, sorry Zane." Laurance smiles. Garroth sighs and backs away from Zane. Zane takes a breath and sits down next to me. He whispers something in my ear.
"Hey...(Y/N)...Thanks." he looks at me and smiles. I can't help but smile back.
"No problem." I say in return. We're kinda just smiling and looking ta eachother for a while until Aaron brakes the silence.
"Ok..well. Uh.. Oh wait! I have a good dare." he starts smirking and looks at Laurence. Oh no. He clears his throat and straightens his back.
"Ok...Laurance," Aaron starts. Laurence starts smirking and looks back at Aaron, interested.
"I dare" he starts again. WHAT?!
"To what Aaron?" he smirks even more. Oh god this is not gonna be good.
"I dare you to... Kiss...hmm... Anyone here of your choice." Aaron's smirk grows from ear to ear. Man I kinda feel bad for laurance, and we'll the person who has to kiss him. Laurence's eyes go wide. And he smirks even more. Wait... Is he blushing? I don't think I've ever seen laurance blush before.
"Ok well..." laurance starts off. Then it hits me. Laurance... Has wanted to kiss me. He tried to kiss me! Is he going to pick... OH NO!!
"(Y/N). Care to join me in the closet?" (lol I couldn't think of any other place sorry) My jaw dropped and My faced suddenly turned red. I looked at Laurence who was now crouching down in front of me smirking. Everyone's jaw dropped and stared at me then back at laurance.
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Y/N)!!" Everyone screamed. Oh my god. Well everyone, except Zane. Look. I have to admit, I don't really like laurance. But Zane, He's different. He's kind and nice, he listened and cares for me. He's really... Not what people think. He's one of my closest friends. Call it a crush or whatever you what but, I.... I won't do this. I can't do this. I look over at Zane. His head facing the floor, he looks hurt. I have an idea and I nudge Zane's arm.
"Hey Zane," I whisper. "I'm not gonna do it." he looks at me confused.
"What? Why? I don't want to ruin your FUN." he quotes then looks back at the ground. I stay hopeful.
"Zane seriously. I don't like laurance. I'll just go in there, and not do anything." I give him a thumbs up and he smiles.
"ok...thanks." he blushes and smiles. I stand up and look at laurance. Then head over to the closet.
"WOO HOO! GO (Y/N)!!" Dante cheers. Oh geez. I can hear the rest of the group laughing and cheering. I hope Zane's ok. Laurence walks in last and slowly closes the door. He walks to the other side of the closet and his face goes still. His eyes get covered by shadows and I can't see them properly. I lean against the door. And wait for...something, anything.
"Oh man, (Y/N) I'm sorry about all this." he speaks braking the science. His eyes are still covered by the shadows, And his face is staying still. Creepy. I put my hand on my face and look down.
"Hehe...Yeah sorry laurance, about...this. Anyways, we're just friends." he steps out of the shadows. But I still can't see his eyes. He walks a little closer to me. And I lean closer to the door.
"...uh right?" I start off. He doesn't answer. He walks closer. Getting a little in my personal bubble. I try pushing him away but it doesn't work, And he gets slowly closer. Step by step. I could see his face now. He was smirking from ear to ear.
"Ok Laurence...I'm not doing this... Seriously." I say nervously, my head sweating. By now he's practically over the top of me. I reach for the door handle and turn the nob. *Click*. Wait... Is it locked?!
"Laurence, Did you lock the door?!" he starts smiling more. Then he looks down at me blushing. I start sweating. I'm actually getting a little scared now. He starts chuckling in a soothing kind of seductive voice.
"Oh, (Y/N)... Sweet sweet (Y/N)..." he starts off. I look scared and he takes my hand and puts them by my side.
I try pushing away, but it doesn't work.
"Laurance! I don't like you that way! I'm not doing this!" I yell. He doesn't seem to care. He drops the smile and actually looks sweet. Wait what?? He grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. My face only a few inches from his. NO PLEASE NO! I'M NOT KISSING LAURANCE! He bites his lip and stares at my lips, then eyes, then back at me again. I start blushing red and sweating more. Zane I'm sorry.
"(Y/N)... I'm sorry for this." he says with a kind of smile on his face. I AM NOT DOING THIS!!
"Laurance I-" I yell, But I'm cut off by him leaning down and kissing me. His lips melt on top of mine. And he closes his eyes. Clearly enjoying this moment. This... This was my first kiss. He put my hand around his waist and pushed me up against the wall. I start blushing more. I AM NOT DOING THIS! He wasn't kissing me, He was full on making out! WHAT THE HECK! I try and pull away, pushing and kicking. But nothing happens. I'm stuck here. His lips kiss mine passionetly. He then lifts his hands and starts stroking my hair. I've gone numb and lightheaded from the thought of what was happening, And actually end up closing my eyes. Kind of...enjoying it. Wait No stop!! I quickly open my eyes and slap him in the face. The blow sends him tumbling backwards, hitting the wall. "Ow..ugh my head.." he starts off looking a little dazed. I just stare a him. I don't know where to start.
"LAURANCE!!" I yell. He looks at me and rubs his head. He smiles at me then gets closer. I block my self with my arms.
"Seriously?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!! YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE YOU THAT WAY!! What the heck was that?! A KISS, OH SURE I'LL BE NICE AND SAY I'LL DO IT!! I WOULDN'T ACTUALLY THOUGH! I. DON'T. LIKE. YOU!" I yell my face going red with anger. He stares at me and backs away. An awkward silence fills the little room we are in. Then he says quietly.
"I wonder how Zane would feel if he found out." he says emotionless. Then his face turns into a smirks. My eyes grew wide. How did he know About that?!
"He'd probably be heart broken. He may not even want to talk to you anymore." laurance continues, intimidating me. He walks around me saying all these things towards me.
"H-how did you-" I Start. he Chuckles, smiling at me.
"How did I know? Oh I've seen the way you and Zane act together. Heck, I even live with him. You think I don't know where he's going off to after work everyday?" he says smiling at me, kind of yelling. I stumble backwards, losing my balance. I get back up and look at him square in the eyes.
"so? A friend comes to see me after work everyday. What the big deal?" I say folding my arms. His eyes are suddenly covered by shadows. He laughs again.
"Zane...Likes you." he says chuckling. My eyes grow wide, And I start to blush a little.
"You like him too don't you?" he smirks. My face turns even more red and I'm lost for words. I stutter but nothing happens.
"Heh...I knew it. So how about we tell him you went behind his back and kissed me? Then he'll think you don't like him, And your secrets safe with me." he whispers in my ear. My face goes red with anger.
"N-NO!! I'd rather lie then tell anyone!! Especially Zane! Look...I don't like him that way," I begin to lie, "He's a good friend and all but..." I yell. Laurence's face goes emotion less. Then he sighs.
"fine. But you better put on a face for Zane." he says emotionless. He grabs the keys for the door out of his pocket and unlocks it letting us both out. As soon as we get out, the living room was silent. Everyone stared at me, then laurance, then back to me again. I looked over at Zane who was awaiting my response. I gave him a nod, signalling that I hadn't kissed laurance. But I lied, And i plan on never telling him. He smiled in response and landed against the TV. Everyone in the group was staring at me and laurance. Then Dante started smirking at my direction.
"Soo... Laurance, (Y/N)... How did things go?" Dante said, clearly Interested. Everyone was eager waiting one four response. Then Laurance started off speaking. Please don't say what happened, please don't say what happened!!
"That's for us to know, and you guys to find out."he smiled. Travis stood up, eager to say something.
"um, I'm pretty sure we all know what happened laurance. There was a lot of....banging and noises come from your general direction." his smirk grew. EW GROSS!
"Travis shut up!" Katelyn said, playfully punching him. I quickly walked over and sat down next to Zane again. We started to talk a little. I could feel laurance looking over at us.

*Time skip to at night*

It was the middle of the night. Well about. I thought I was the only one awake. My mouth felt dry, so I got up quietly and headed to the kitchen, trying not to disturb anyone. I got a glass of water and stood around the kitchen counter. I was enjoying the piece and quiet, when I saw someone get up and head towards me. I couldn't tell who it was, cause the living room was to dark. As they got closer to the light, I saw that it was Zane. We looked at eachother and smiled. I slightly waved at him, but was confused as to why he was awake. I broke the silence for us and started whispering.
"Hey Zane" I whispered quietly.
"Hey (Y/N). Can't sleep?" he questioned.
" Heh...yeah." I answered. We stared at each other and blushed. We then created small talk. Just enjoying the peace and quiet together.

*Laurance P.O.V oWo*

Earlier today,I had said that I was going to get that kiss from (Y/N). Though I know she doesn't like me. She's made it very clear actually. That's why, earlier today, I knew she was talking to Zane about not going to kiss me. She just wanted everyone to think that so she would be Nice and wouldn't ruin there fun. So I locked to closet door and was waiting for the right moment. Then, I pulled her closer to me and dove right in to kiss her. She tried pulling away. Countless times actually. But I wasn't gonna ruin this. So I held her tighter. Making a stronger grip on her. Then we'll, you know what happened and all that. Right now it was about midnight. Everyone was asleep. Except for me. Travis was huddled on one side of me and garroth the other. Great. Then out of the scilence, (Y/N) got up and headed to the kitchen. I wanted to get up and see what was wrong. But then Zane got up and headed to her. I know Zane likes her. It's pretty obvious. I look over at Zane and (Y/N), whispering in the silence. God damn it Zane. Can't you just leave her alone. I rustle over and garroth starts snoring in my face. So I just stare at the roof and daze off back to sleep. Well I try to. One day, she'll like me. One day. I'll do whatever it takes. To make her love me.

OHHHHHH GOD!! I'm so sorry it took a lot longer than expected, and this is kind of a long chapter soooo yeah. I hope u enjoyed. And uh bye

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