Chapter 4: Alone with Laurance

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Haven't uploaded in a while, do I care? No. AND I CHANGED MY MIND!! It will no longer be y;n!! It will be (Y/N)!!(cause that's how everyone else does it And i only just realised I've been doing it wrong...) so (Y/N) means your name. Ok Bye. pps: (F/C) mean favorite colour and if u see anything else like this etc.

*Skip to the next morning, after the party*
Your Perspective:

Ugh, my head. Wow what a way to start the day, I have a great party thrown for me and then I wake up in.. Wait a minute... WHERE AM I?! I quickly sat up, forgetting I had a massive headache and looked around. This wasn't my house? What the? My vision was blurry, then came too, my eyes adjusted to the light outside and I realised where I was. I was at Aph's place. I picked my self up off the living room couch and reached for my phone in my pocket. 8:00am. Hmm. My head still felt a little bit woozy so I tip toed over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. What happened last night? I mean we just danced and... Oh no.. I fell on Zane!!! The thoughts all rushed back and I started to blush,badly. My face turned bright red, so I had a sip of water to cool down. I don't know if I was too loud or not, but at that moment the floorboards of the stares started creakeing, and aphmau came down. She only seemed a little shocked to see me. Did she know I was sleeping there?? Wow what a first impression -_-.
" Oh, Morning (Y/N)," Aph whispered trying not to wake Aaron."how are you feeling?" she questioned looking a little concerned but sleepy at the same time.
"I have a little head ache, but I'm good. What happened last night? And how did I end up passed out on your living room couch.
"hehe well..." she replied rubbing her neck nervously. Apparently someone had spiked the fruit punch last night. but not heavily, only enough for everyone to get a little crazy. So, apparently myself & everyone else had a few too many drinks, and the dance floor got a little crazy. Considering almost like 15 people got drunk in one house last night, the place was surprisingly clean. Only a few cups here and there, nothing major. So continuing, apparently people started making out and then I party'd to hard and.. All I remember now was blacking out and then waking up here.
"wow, rough night." I reply chuckling a little.
"yeah, tell me about it." Aph replied, we both laughed. Aaron came walking down the stares, jeez he looked like a mess, he had bags under his eyes and he just looked down right exhausted.
"*Yawn* Ugh, morning aph and um.. (Y/N)?" he said sleepily. He looked at me then walked over and got a cup of coffee.
"Morning Hun." aphmau replied smiling.
"Good morning Aaron." I replied answering him.
He yawned again and I guess he kind of forgot we were there. He picked up his coffee and walked back upstairs looking like a zombie. As he made it up the stares, the sound of a dog and cat could be heard making a ruckus. Aaron's voice could just slightly be heard.
"Ce-Celestia!! Eli!! Give me back my socks!!" Aaron yelled from upstairs. Me and aph both looked at eachother and laughed.
"Haha, heh well I should probably get going now. Thanks aph, and tell Aaron I said thanks." I say smiling heading for the door.
"heh, yeah ok bye (Y/N)!" I headed for the door and grasped it in my hand. I opened it letting a nice cold breeze in the walked out, closing it behind me.
I walked down the stares in a (F/C) Jumper and black leggings, with a towel wrapped around my hair.
I moved over to the living room and layed out on the couch. I then proceeded to pull out my phone and check my Facebook status. I only saw a couple of things nothing major, then something popped up that grabbed my attention, It read.
'The Meidew Cafe is now open and now hiring! Looking for your new dream job? Look no further! Looking for anyone aged between 18-24 years, all older aplicants will be seen first. Press down below to find out more.'
"Meidew cafe? Huh oh yeah, how else am I gonna get money? Maybe I should-"
*Knock Knock*
I turned my attention to the door quickly and stood up. I walked over and revealed Laurance standing on the other side. His soft blue eyes shone in the sun, I started blushing a light pink and smiled.
"Hey Laurance!"
"(Y/N) Hey!" he Beamed. "I came over, actually cause I was wondering if we could hang out, together. Just the two of us." he started blushing a nice shade of pink. It was to cute. He then brushed his shaggy bangs out of his hair. I started blushing more than before.
"S-Sure." I stuttered. Dang it I must look like an idiot. We both then stepped inside and sat down on the couch. I switched on Netflix and skimmed through the movie section.
"A-Anything you wanna watch in particular?" I asked. He smiled, it was so cute!! It literally sent chills down my spine.
"How about a romance?" he giggled. I blushed way brighter than before. WHY WHY WHY???
"o-ok." I stutter. As I flick the movie on, I feel his hand rap around my waist. It made me a little uncomfortable. I started resting my head on his shoulder. Man I was tired.
*A whole romance movie later*(I'm not underlining that cause it keeps playing up)
I wake up sleepily, I look up slowly and see Laurance's soft blue eyes looking right into mine. I quickly got up and started blushing. My whole face went red. WHAT THE HECK DID I FALL ASLEEP ON LAURANCE???!!
"Hey sleeping beauty." he smiled.
"L-LAURANCE?!! I'M SO SORRY!!!" he started Chuckling.
"it's fine." we looked into each other's eyes. It was like time froze. he put his hand on my arm and pulled me closer to him. He started blushing a light shade of pink, and I'm pretty sure I did too. His face was just centimeters from mine, I could feel his soft warm breath on my skin. We both kinda stopped and looked down at my lips. He lifted my chin up to his face and leaned in to kiss me. We were centimeters from kissing, when I stopped. I pulled back and started staring at the floor.
"(Y/N)? Is everything ok?"
"y-yeah it's fine." I stuttered. Why did I pull away?? Well I guess I just didn't know him well enough, and I wasn't looking for a relationship just yet.
"sorry laurance." he looked at me then looked away and rubbed his neck nervously.
"No, no it's ok." he said. "anyways I should really get going." he stated. He headed for the door and was about to leave when he stopped.
"Oh and (Y/N). See you around. Beautiful." he said in a soft soothing voice. He then proceeded and left the house. I blushed even more and lay down on the couch in a ball of happiness. I pulled four my phone, and in one quick move filled out the job application and fell into a huge mess of emotions. I almost kissed laurance. WAIT... I ALMOST KISSED LAURANCE!! I started giggling and couldn't stop blushing. He was all I could think of.

There, a short chapter for u to read. So yay

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