Chapter 2: Neighbourhood Party

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Your Perspective

My eyes opened in a split second. I didn't know where I was and my heart was racing 100 miles per hour. I felt for the smooth floor boards beside and below me. But there was just air. I suddenly felt all the oxygen in the air had disappeared in a flash. I was gasping for air. What was happening?! Where am I?! As I moved my head upwards trying to maintain balance, I saw a cliff not too far from my current falling position. Rocks appears to be cracking off, and hitting the ground below, Just missing me. The time they hit the ground was in a repeated pattern. 1,2. 1,2. Over and over. Loud thuds and knocks could be heard when they hit the ground. My head focused downwards, the ocean was just below me. I was going to hit the water at a super speed and drown?! Where am I?! I can't breath!! Help! Help!

"Help!" I scream out. I opened my eyes, I was safe on the floor of my own home. I take my time to gather my self and take a few breaths. Loud knocking can be heard coming from my front door. Wait... DID I FALL ASLEEP ON THE FLOOR!? What the... Why?? That's just... Well I didn't realise how tired I was. Heh. The knocking starts at the door again.

"Hello? hello is anyone home?" a voice can be heard from the other side. It's a women's voice. Yay, no more cute guys to deal with. I pick myself up and walk slowly over to the door. I grasp the Handel and turn the slightly cold, metallic, door nob. On the other side of the door, revels a women around my age. She was short, had a darker skin tone and dark hair. She also had beautiful orange eyes and the most innocent childish face in the world!! "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I accidentally fell asleep and didn't hear knocking." I say becoming flustered. She starts grinning at me with the most innocent smile ever.
"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you!! I'm Aphmau!!" she replies optimistically.
"No,no it's fine! I'm y:n!" I answer smiling.
" I was actually hosting a party at my house just down the street, and I was planning on inviting everyone in the street. Actually the party was for you, since your new and everything, and I just wanted you to hopefully make some new friends! I was wondering if you would be able to come?" she ask's jumping up and down. Wow she sure is optimistic! I look around at my empty house. Well I have nothing better to do, and making friends is my speciality!
"Sure! I'd love to go!!" I answer smiling. OMG SHE'S SO NICE!!
"Great! It'll start around 6:30 is that's ok?"
"that's fine, I'll be there soon!"
"that's great! See you later y:n!!" she yells excitedly running to, what must be, her  house across the road. I start smiling and run back inside, slamming the door behind. I unpack some of the boxes, Only some cause I'm lazy, And rummage one of the bigger boxes, looking for something nice to wear. I settle with a red cotton jumper, with a blue scarf and ripped jeans. The party starts in two hours. I know it's a little while away, but I'm way too excited to care. Well since I got time to waste, I run back downstairs, grab a few blankets, and...oh wait. I don't even have a couch yet. Damn where's the moving van?? Fine I guess I'll become a blanket sushi on the floor. I curl up in a blanket on the floor, leaning up against the stairs, go on Netflix, and put on the new episodes of Riverdale. Jughead is bae!!!

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I grab the remote and switch off the TV, and pick my self up off the floor. Oh god, my hair's a mess. I  quickly sprint up the stairs, to the bathroom. I redo my hair and apply a light, natural layer of make up. Too much and I'll become the next Barbie doll. As I finish with my mini beauty session, I jog back down the stairs and head for the door. I grab the cold metallic handle, and open it gently. As I step out the wind starts picking up. Geez is it just me or did it suddenly get super cold?? Heck it's freezing!! Lights and music can be seen coming from Aphmau's house. A person from across the rode exits the house quickly and closes their door behind them. I wonder if there going to Aphmau's Party thing? They turn around and I seem to make eye contact with them, only for like a split second though. Wierd. There wearing a grey and black jumper and a mask on their face I think? They have black hair and... Well it was only covering one eye. I wonder why? I snap out of  my little 'zone out moment' and realise where I'm supposed to be going. I quickly lock the door behind me and speed walk over to Aphmau's house. A few seconds later, I'm standing outside Aphmau's house. It's a two story house that's painted red. I look through the window and there's alot of people inside. Like alot! I stand on the door step just in front of the door. I reach down for the handle, and hesitate. Oh god, Am I scared of going to a party?? Why? It's just the people on my street. I'm sure it's not that bad. I don't know what happened next, but I'm pretty sure I zoned out. For like the 50th time! The door to the house swing open and Aphmau leaped out and grabbed my arm, pulling me inside. It was warm and bright, There were a lot of people. There was music playing and lights everywhere. It was really cute.
"I'm so glad you could make it y:n!!" aphmau giggled! A few heads turned and looked at me. I started hiding my face in my scarf. I haven't had friends in years. I... I did say making friends was my speciality, but keeping them isn't. So this, this was hard.
"yeah it's... It's ok. Thanks for inviting me!" I reply smiling. Oh god I'm so awkward!!! Help I'm screaming inside!!! Aphmau clears her thought and grabs a glass, she picks up a fork and starts tapping the side of the glass, loudly. Grabbing everyone's attention.
"Everyone! Can I please have your attention!" Aphmau yells. A few heads start to turn. "I'd like to introduce the guest of the night y:n! She's the new girl in town we all heard about!" by now everyone was looking at me. I am so embarrassed I'm litrally my head in my scarf and looking the floor the whole time. I gently raise my head and wave my hand slightly. As I raise may head, I lock eyes with that strange man in black from before. Huh, I guess he did come. A song started playing through a speaker on what appeared to be Aphmau's kitchen table. Next thing I knew, Aphmau had her hand gripped on my arm and brought me over to the kitchen table in one swift move.
"OH MY GOSH!! I LOVE THIS SONG!!!" aphmau squealed with excitement. I smile back trying to be nice. As I looked around, everyone seemed to go back to talking. Wow, I did NOT know this song at all.
"Come on! Your dancing y:n!!" aphmau yells.
"Aphmau, look I'd love too but I can't dance. I literally have too left feet!" I reply. Aphmau looks sad but hopeful.
"look just call me Aph, and I don't care!! Your dancing!!" she screams. Oh just great, my first impression will probably be falling over. Yay. But I can't say no to that smile.
"oh... Fine ok." I reply, smiling at Aphmau. She starts squealing. She brings some people onto the dance floor. One even with... Cat ears? She has some weird friends. One of the people I notice is that man from before. She pulls him over to me, completely off guard.
"Y;n, this is Zane. I want you two to get along!" Aphmau states. Me and the man look eachother in the eye. He has pale skin and blue eyes. Well at least I think the other ones blue? He's covering it with his hair. Oh great an emo.
"Aph can i go now?" Zane asks in an unamused tone. Jeez he has a low voice.
"Nope! Your staying right here with y:n!" aphmau Reply's in a confident voice. Oh yay, just great. How I enjoy this.
"I'll get you that pinkiecake I mean- Thing later!" aphmau replies  looking flustered. Zane blushes and hides his face in his mask.
"APH!" he mumbles, annoyed and embarrassed. Huh he's wierd. Aphmau pushes me closer to him, I start blushing more. Wow I am REALLY bad at meeting new people. He gives off a ghostly vibe. Wierd. Another song came on the radio. I knew this one though. Aph started dancing to the music and another girl with icy blue hair joined in. One by one, different people all joined in. Wow these people just love braking out dancing. I decided to join in. I started moving around, enjoying the music, Though I'm right against the wall, I can't dance in front of everyone. That's just, the thought of it sends shivers down my spine. As I start to get into the zone and 'Try' to dance, I look around at everyone having a good time and- oh my god. As I moved forward I tripped over my own foot, and went flying. *Thud*. Wait I didn't hit the ground, what the?
"ow what the? Oh it's you." Zane replies In a bored tone. oh god!!!! Omg I fell onto Zane. Ahh I'm dying inside help! I quickly pick myself up and brush myself off. Oh my god I can't stop blushing this is sooo embarrassing!!! THANK GOD NO ONE SAW THAT!!!!!!
"Oh my gosh!! I am sooo, so sorry zane!" I reply flustered and embarrassed. He doesn't seem to care, he just walks off. For the rest of the night. I pretty much just stand against the wall, enjoying everyone's happiness. Oh god I can't stop blushing. I wonder why?

YAY THAT'S THE END OF THIS CHAPTER!! I'm so sorry it's so long, I just wanted to add a lot of stuff in and well, I got carried away 🤗. Look I'm going to post the next chapter pretty soon. I hope? Look have fun reading. Bye


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