Chapter 5: First day on the Job

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I dont need an intro for this so ヾ(^∇^)

Pls play music straight away

Today was the day! Today was the very first day I start my shift at the Meidew Cafe. I rummaged through my room, searching for my new uniform. Finally found it! It was a white top with a black medium dress. I wore an apron over the top and black leggings underneath. I tied my hair up in a high messy (H/C) ponytail. I then ran downstairs, opened up the door and ran outside. I turned around and locked the door behind me then sprinted over to my garage. I was so eager to get there on time.
"(Y/N)?" someone faintly said in the background of things. I dropped my keys on the ground and turned around to get them. I bent over and accidentally bumped heads with... Aphmau?
"A-Aphmau I am so sorry! I didn't see you there!" I yelled picking her up off the ground.
"ow, no no it's ok. I'm so sorry! You dropped your keys and I was gonna pick them up for you when we accidentally bumper heads. She ruled her head and forced a smile.
"Anyways (Y/N), where are you going so early? And why are you so eager to get there?" Aph questioned.
"Oh, Today I'm starting my new job at the Meidew cafe!" I Beamed.
"Meidew... Wait, the one next to the maid sweet kawaii treat cafe?" aph said shocked.
"Uh yeah I think so, why?"
"I own the maid sweat kawaii treat cafe! Why didn't you work there? Pretty much every person on the street works there!" aph yelled
"Really?! Damn, I didn't know. Well I guess someone's gotta be the odd one out right?" i smile at aph and she giggles.
"hehe yeah. Anyways you should get going."
"Oh yeah, sorry to cut things short but I gotta go. Bye!" I run into my garage and hop into my white Ford car.
I turn the engine on and look down at my phone. '9:40'. ok, I have 20 minutes to get to the city. I can do this. I drive the car down the driveway and head down the street out of sight.

*S͓̽k͓̽i͓̽p͓̽ t͓̽o͓̽ a͓̽t͓̽ t͓̽h͓̽e͓̽ M͓̽e͓̽i͓̽d͓̽e͓̽w͓̽ C͓̽a͓̽f͓̽e͓̽*

I parked my car about a block down the street to the cafe. I then speed walk over and head inside. I look out the window and see the maid sweet kawaii treat cafe next door.
"Um, Miss? Can I help you?" a young man about my age is standing at the counter looking at me.
"oh uh yeah, it's my first day here and-" he cuts me off.
"Oh your the newbie? Yeah we've heard about you." No duh, I'm wearing their uniform. He takes my hand and takes me to the back, he then shows me around and introduces me to all the people there. Their so nice!I then get put up the front desk and start my shift.

*Skip to like nearly at the end of (Y/N)'s shift*

The Cafe wasn't that busy, that's good considering it was my first day here. I was moping up the front counter and changing the food in the displays, when I see someone walk through the door and sit down at a table near the back. I don't really take much notice considering that people have been coming in all day. I guess it was my turn to take orders, hey look it's almost ate end of my shift. I walk over to tables taking their orders. There's only like a few people here, well the cafe is gonna close soon. It was getting close to 5:30. I walk over to the table in the very back person and don't bother to look at there face. I look down at my paper and try and sound really optimistic, even though I'm kinda tired.
"Hello Sir, Welcome to the Meidew cafe! How may I serve you today?" I say beaming while not looking at there face.
"Uh... I'll have your cupcake of the day." they reply in a really deep voice. Wait a minute. I think i know that voice? Wait is that?!

*You know who's Point of view ヾ(^∇^) *

It was almost the end of the day, and oh yay, my shift just ended. I changed out of my uniform and walked out the door.
"See ya za-" aph yelled. But she cut off caused I closed the door too early on her. Even though I work at a cafe, I still decided too check out the new cafe next door and see if they have any good things to eat. Maybe even a reason for me to go back, like some good cupcakes or... Wait I'm trailing off sorry. I head inside and keep my head down. It's Kinda quiet. Well it is gonna close in about half an hour. I walk over to a table in the back and bury my face in my mask. It was only about five minutes when a youngish girl, a little younger than me came over to take my order. Did this place have really good service or was it just cause there's like no one here?
"Hello Sir, Welcome to the Meidew cafe! How may I serve you Today?" she said. She didn't move her head from her note book. Dang, she sounded optimistic.
"Uh... I'll have your cupcake of the day." I replied in a deap tired voice. I sat up properly and got a look at her name tag. (Y/N) it read. Wait a minute. I looked at her face. Wait what??

Cliff hanger I guess ヽ(^Д^)ノ bye imma eat doritos

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