Chapter 3: The new girl

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Z͟a͟n͟e͟'s͟ P͟e͟r͟s͟p͟e͟c͟t͟i͟v͟e͟

(Y;n means your name. Also you probably won't know what's going on unless you watch the series! I'm looking at Marshall!)

*The morning of the arrival*

My eyes slowly faded in and out, as I awoke still feeling exhausted from the night before. I kinda just got up and sat in bed for about 5 minutes, just listening to the birds that had the nerve to wake me up on, what looked like, was going to be a pretty good day actually. I pulled the sheets off my legs, reveling my black tracksuit pants with slight rips and stains on them. Oh Great, my day to do the laundry. I flipped my legs over the side of the bed and rubbed my face, brushing my black coal like hair out of my face. I seemed to had placed my mask on the bed side table next to me. I sleepily lifted it up putting it on my face. I could hear yelling coming from down stairs. Probably garroth and laurance doing something stupid. But why this early? I mean the sun has risen but... Actually what time was it? Jeez what the?! 1:00pm!? Why did they let me sleep In so long?? I hate sleeping in! Well I better see what the huge commotion coming from down stairs is about. I get up from my bed, and walk over to my door, holding the handle in my grasp. I slightly open it and can hear more yelling.
"Do I look good?! how's my hair?!"
"I don't care!! Do I look ok?!!" oh great. Garroth and laurance worrying about their looks, what else is new. I creep down stares and see what all the noise is. Garroth is running around with a mirror and laurance keeps changing clothes. I look over at the stove, something is obviously burning. Pancakes. Or what was supposed to be pancakes, now it's just a burnt mess.
"What is Going on down here?" I question, grabbing there attention. They both stop and look at me.
"Morning Sleeping Beauty!" garroth adds smirking. Wow brothers are the worst thing ever made.
"can someone care to explain what all the yellings about?" I question annoyed. Laurence looks at me with a smile on his face.
"Haven't you heard?" laurance adds.
"No?" I reply confused.
"There's a new girl coming to town!!" garroth yells, jumping up and down.
"oh really? And who told you that?" I reply questing them.
"Oh, Aphmau of course." laurance adds. I realise how dumb that sounded. Of course aphmau would tell them. Idiot.
"Garroth, Dante and I were planning on going and making good first impressions. Let me guess, you probably don't wanna come." laurance says smiling.
"Of course I don't wanna go, I have better things to do." I add. Garroth smirks.
"oh? Like what?," he reply's, "Watch my little horsies all day?" he adds laughing. I start blushing and looking flustered. Garroth is so annoying!!
"N-NO!!" I stutter, my voice slightly breaking.
"mmm, hmm." laurance adds smirking at me. WOULD THESE TWO JUST GO ALREADY!!
"D-DONT YOU HAVE SOMEWHERE TO BE!?" I reply yelling at them, my face turning red.
"oh yeah... But not if I get there first!!" laurance yells heading for the door. Garroth runs after him.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!!" Garroth yells after him. They both run through the door. Finally piece and quiet. I turn the stove off and grab some cereal. I take the bowl with me and sit down on the couch, I go on Netflix, and put on the new season of my little horsies. Finally a day I can have piece and quiet, and be able to binge watch. Except the day doesn't like me that much, and the my little horsies music starts playing form somewhere. Strange I haven't even played the TV yet? I look down beside me and my phone is vibrating. Why would someone be calling me this early. Actually no, why would someone call me at all? I see the caller ID and make eye contact with the phone. Oh, it's Aph. Great what does she want? I mean I know she's my best friend but can't a guy just relax once In a while. I answer and put the phone up to my ear.
"hello?" I say in an annoyed tone.
"rude." it's aphmau's voice on the other side.
"rude? What did I do wrong now?" I reply still sounding annoyed.
"when I call you can at least sound a little happier when you answer."
"*sigh*...fine.... Why Hello aphmau! How are you doing on this fine day?" I reply in a fake happy sounding tone.
"hehehe, better!" she replies giggling.
"You rang?" I add
"Oh yeah! So I guess you've probably heard that there's a new girl in town thanks to garroth and laurance?" Aphmau adds
"Yeah? Why?" I question
"well me and Aaron are hosting a party at our house for everyone on the street. It's mostly to welcome the new girl!" she squeals.
"and your point is?"
" oh yeah. That party, your going!" Aphmau yells.
"What?? No way! I don't want to go to a party! Leaving the house is bad enough. I hate meeting new people!Can't I just stay home?" I reply sounding angry and surprised.
"Nope!" she giggles.
"grrr... Wait, Hey your not my mom!" I yell.
"I'll buy you the limited edition pinkiecake doll I saw you eyeballing in the mall the other day." she smirks. Dang it aph!
"Rrrrrrr.... *sigh*.... Fine. But only, ONLY! If I get that pinkiecake doll ok!" I yell.
"hehe.. Yeah ok!" she Beams "Its at 6:30 tonight! I guess I'll see your there! No bailing out or else!!" she threatens.
"hehe... See you at 6:30. Bye" I reply hesitating.
"OK BY-" she cut off. Yay just great. I finally have ONE day to relax, and have to go to a party. Oh happy day. I gently place my bowl down on the living room table in front of me, trying not to spill anything. I stretch my arms upwards and start yawning. I pick myself up off the couch, turn around & head over to the kitchen. Geez, it's a mess. There's food all over the benches and plates stacked in the sink. What were those two doing last night? Oh yeah. They invited Dante, Travis & Aaron over last night. No wonder I'm so tired. They wouldn't stop screaming at the TV!! I grabbed a cloth and start to clean up, what used to be, our kitchen. There was mess everywhere. Once that was done, i started to head Upstairs, back to my bedroom. As I made it up the short set of stares, I noticed something was stuck to the front of my bedroom door. I made my way over and stopped. I flipped the piece of paper over and read aloud the message plastered on it. "don't wake me, I'm sleeping beauty". Wow. Yep, that's Garroth's hand writing alright. I took it down, scrunched it up and placed it in the pocket of my black tracksuit pants. I then proceeded to creak open the door leading to my bedroom. It was a medium sized room with a white bed, bed side table & set of draws at the foot of the bed. It was pretty plane, but who's complaining. There was a drawing I'd stuck up on my wall. It was a drawing of me and Aphmau with the words, "Best friends" plastered on the top of the page. I changed out of my tracksuit and T-Shirt, to my black and grey hoodie and some grey, cleaner, tracksuit pants. What? I don't care if I make a good first impression or not! Actually I'd rather not be going, but...ugh you know why. I reach for my laptop and place it on my bed. I crawl up onto the black stripped bed and proceed to continue with my little 'Netflix fest'. I just plan on watching till 6, I guess. I wonder if the new girl watches Netflix? Meh, who do I care?

* * *

Faint running could be heard coming from downstairs. Garroth and Laurance are probably back. Wait, I haven't left form this same position for hours! What time is it? I peer down at my alarm clock, the time quickly flickered on the little screen. It was about 5:55. Wow I have been watching for ages. Well I'm not complaining, I love this show. At that very moment Garroth bursted through the door excited.
"HEY BABY BROTHER!" Garroth yelled
"My ears! What?" I add, annoyed but the amount of noise that was NOT needed when I was relaxing.
"Come on were going now!" He beams.
"Have you and Laurance seriously been gone for like...5 hours? What were you doing all day?" I question.
" first. Dante was there as well. Secondly, we were at the new girls house today!! Her names y;n! We all helped her move in, she so nice and cute and..." he starts blushing, and kinda just finished he's sentence there.
"Wow like I was so interested to know that you like her." I say sarcastically. He comes back to life and stops blushing.
"Hey! Anyways, me and Laurance are going now."
"Ok. I'll be there in a minute." I add. He turns around and closes the door. I look out the window behind me, over at Aph's house. It's all light up and I can just see Laurance and Garroth jolting over. I also see a few other people. Like Cadenza, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan. Oh and Travis. Great. I pick my self up off my bed and stand up. I start walking over to the door, and shut it behind me. I head down stares for the front door. I felt for the keys in my pocket and pulled them out. I stepped outside the front door and, man, It was cold. The wind really started to pick up and it started to snow a little. I tried to lock the door as fast as I could. I turned my head upwards in the direction of the house across the street. once I finished locking up, and saw a person from across the road coming out of there house. Who the heck was that? I hadn't seen them around. I bet it's the new girl. She glanced over to me and we kinda just stared at each other for, a long time actually. I walked out my house and glanced at the ground, avoiding eye contact. She's weird. I speed walk over to Aph & Aaron's place as fast as I can, look I wouldn't want to be out in, what looked like was gonna be, a snowstorm. As I make it too their front door steps. I quickly open the door and head inside. It's really warm and bright inside. I know everyone inside. Aph has music playing from a radio on the kitchen table, I know most of the songs but don't really care. I walk over to the kitchen we're lucinda is, and grab a drink. I try not to keep eye contact with anyone, and I head over by the wall next to Aph's kitchen table. Just remember the reward at the end of this Zane. That's the only reason your here! The sound of something clanging on a glass grabs my attention. It's Aph,and she's standing next to the strange girl from Before.
"Everyone! Can I please have your attention!" Aph yells. What's going on? "I'd like to introduce the guest of the night y:n! She's the new girl in town we all heard about!" I knew she was the new girl. I move around and try to get a better view. She's wearing a red cotton jumped and ripped jeans with a blue scarf. She seems shy. She can't stop hiding her head in her scarf. She glances her head up for a sec, and seems to make eye contact with me. She's strange, why do we keep doing this? People start to go back to talking and listening to music. I glance over and see her just standing there. She's really weird. Well isn't everyone on this street? I see aph coming this way over to the table with y;n. Oh just great. They start talking about random stuff. I was just enjoying being alone, when the next minute, aphmau comes running over with y;n. Oh yay. "Y;n, this is Zane. I want you two to get along!" Aphmau states, gesturing over to me. Ok I agreed to come but not make friends with the new girl. Y;n starts staring at me again. What's wrong with her and staring? Doesn't she know it's considered rude?
"Aph can i go now?" I ask sounding really REALLY annoyed. Trust me I am.
"Nope! Your staying right here with y:n!" aphmau Reply's in a confident voice. Oh yay, just great. How I enjoy this.
"I'll get you that pinkiecake I mean- Thing later!" aphmau replies looking flustered. Dang it Aph!! No one's supposed to know!!
"APH!" I mumble. Ok by now, I'm clearly fed up with this. She moved y;n closer to me. Wow thanks aph, thanks. She starts blushing even more. Dang it!! Why am I starting to blush?!! I walk away a little just keeping my space, and she move's over to standing at the wall. Great I have to stand with people. Another song starts playing on the radio, and almost everyone seems to join in. Aph and Aaron take the dance floor and appear to have a dance battle. Everyone's having fun, then at that second something fell on me. Making me kinda lose my balance.
"ow what the? Oh it's you." I say annoyed. Y;n appeared to fall on top of me. Wow. The new girls a clutz. Great.
"Oh my gosh!! I am sooo, so sorry zane!" y;n yells flustered and embarrassed. She starts blushing again and hiding her face again. I get her up off the floor, and then walk off. I don't care. Thank god no one saw that! I walk off and stand in a corner near the basement door, away from everyone. What just happened? She's... Really, really wierd! I can't help it but I hide my head in my mask and start blushing. WHY AM I BLUSHING WHAT THE HECK?!

There done ಠ_ಠ this took forever.

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