Chapter 6: You're not that bad

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*Your Point of view*

"Wait, wait... Zane?!" I say kinda shocked. I started blushing a mild red as I remembered what had happened only a few days ago at Aph's. I breath and regain my focus.
"(Y/N)?! W-What are you doing here?" He stutters.
"Um, I work here?" I say gesturing towards the uniform. He sits back down.
"Oh..Ohhh ok sorry." I look at the clock, then back to Zane.
"Hey you know, my shifts gonna end soon. I could bring out your food and then when my shift ends we could... I dunno... chat I guess?" I say smiling. He covers his face with his mask. Wait is he blushing??
"Uh sure?" he looks back up at me and smiles. I mean, I guess. I couldn't tell cause of his mask on.
"ok then, I'll be back with your... Cupcake." I say kind of giggling. He glares at me.
"tell anyone and your dead." he says in a dark tone. He's not being serious. We can both tell. I start giggling and head away.
"I'll be back in a minute." I say and head off.

*Time Skip*

I head back down with Zane's cupcake and throw my apron over my shoulder. My shift had just ended. I sit down opposite Zane and 'try' to create small talk. It's kind of awkward at first but then we started to hit things off. He's actually not that bad. He's kind of funny actually, and nice and sweet and... OH NO! I'M BLUSHING!! AGAIN!!!
"And then that's when I said, No you!" Zane laughed. I started laughing. We were just sitting there laughing. We both stopped and kind of blushed at eachother. His Crystal blue eyes were the sweetest thing in the world. His voice was soft and kind. He started blushing and looking away then back at me.
"ok Zane I gotta admit something." I say. He looks up kinda confused.
"I kinda thought you were bad and mean and well, a jerk. But turns out your not actually that bad." I say smiling. He blushes a light shade of pink. It was so cute. I start blushing too. God damn it.
"well, I kind of thought you were a clutz and well an idiot at first," Zane starts. I look at him unamused. "Hehe well your actually not as bad as I thought either." he says rubbing his neck and blushing. He looked away from me. We kinda just stared at eachother, looked away and blushed.
"Well... I guess we were both wrong." I say blushing.
"yeah." Zane says blushing and smiling. We look at the clock and I stand up.
"We should probably get going." I say gesturing towards the clock. He gets up and pays for the food.
"Uh Zane I can-"
"Uh nope! This one's on me." I start to laugh. And we both then walk out the door.
"see ya Zane!" I yell walking to my car. Zane walks in the opposite direction.
"see ya (Y/N)." he waves.

*Time Skip back to your house*

I run inside and shut the door behind me fast. It's really quiet. I lean against the door and start blushing. Wait why am I blushing? We're just two friends having food together. Right? I hop over to the kitchen and turn the radio on. Soft music starts playing from the small smooth box on the kitchen counter. At that moment my phone starts vibrating. I hop over to the couch and check my messages.
"Hey (Y/N)!" it reads. I didn't know the caller I'D. Weird.
"Who is this?" I text back.
"Oh really. Hi! Who'd you get my number?"
"Aphmau gave it to me 🙂."
"oh." I reply. Why was Laurance Texting me?
"Anyways, I had to talk to you about us almost, you know, kissing two days ago 😏." I started blushing a really vibrant shade of red. N-NO WAY HOW DID I FORGET THAT!!??

Kinda short. I don't care. (/-(エ)-\). Cliffhanger O.o bye

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