Chapter 9: What now? (Short chapter)

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*Your Perspective*
It's been about three months since the sleepover at Aph's, and...laurance. I haven't talked to Laurence since then but he won't stop texting me.

 I haven't talked to Laurence since then but he won't stop texting me

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I haven't replied to any of his texts, After... Well you know. Sometimes I see him walking around or out his house, I just run off. He's tried many times to come to my house, or see me after work. But I always find a way to get away. I can't see his face after what he did to me. If Zane ever found out...I don't know what I'd do. It was currently 5:00pm, I was at work just cleaning the tables with my partner Tom, waiting for Zane. Tom was a tall-ish guy that worked there. He had freckles all over his face, and had kind of a shady childish red-y brown hair. There was no one else there, and everyone that worked there knew that Zane and I would chat everyday after work. They didn't mind. Some actually tried talking to Zane. They all know him. We were cleaning in Silence, listening to sweet deposition by the temper trap, when Tom decided to brake the silence.
" up with you and Zane?" he questioned. I jerked my head up from under the table and banged my head.
"Ow! Uh.. What?" I kind of yelled rubbing my head. He ran over to me and dropped his sponge on the floor.
"Oh my gosh! Sorry (Y/N)! Are you ok?" he looked worried. I smiled and put my thumbs up at him.
"Nah I'm fine. It's ok. What'd you say?" I smiled.
"Uh.. Oh! I said what's up with you and Zane? Cause you two do talk like...everyday and, you kinda seem to have a thing for him." he smiled childishly. I started to blush red, then controlled my blush. I sighed and looked at him and smiled.
"Heh...Tom, where just friends." I beamed at him. He smirked at me.
"Are you sure? Cause I think otherwise." we glared at eachother, and then started laughing. At that moment, Zane come through the door and then looked over and noticed me and Tom laughing.

*Zane's P.O.V*

At the sleepover three months ago, (Y/N) and laurance were told too...kiss. I...I guess I (Y/N). Hearing that, I was hurt. I don't know if (Y/N) could tell or not, but she leaned over to me and said she wouldn't kiss him. Doing that for's sweet. Then after, she kept her promise. Later that night, is say about...12, I thought I was the only one awake, then (Y/N) stepped silently out of her bed next to me, and headed to the kitchen. I walked over and we created small talk. She looked tired. It was kinda cute. Do her?
*Back to actually now*
My shift for work had finished, so I headed out, and went next door to (Y/N)'s work. It was only a few steps to the right, then I was at the front door of the Meidew cafe. I peered through the glass door and saw (Y/N) laughing. She was with Tom. I grip the handle and open the door slightly, letting myself in. (Y/N) quickly turns her head towards me and smiles. I wave back at her and smile too. I quietly came over and we started talking.
"Hey Zane!" (Y/N) smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.
"Hi (Y/N), Tom." I smiled. Tom looked at me, then back at (Y/N).
"Oh sorry! I should be cleaning!" he smiled rubbing his neck. He Ran back to the table and started to clean. He was a good kid, but kind of awkward at times.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*
Zane and I walked over to a table Tom and I had just cleaned up in the corner. It was about 5:30 and my shift had just ended. It was a Friday so Zane and I could talk a little later than usual. Tom looked at his watch and quickly ran to the back. He than came back and quickly ran up to us sweating and clearly looking distressed. Zane just sat there watching this play out.
"Um, (Y/N)! *Huff* I-I have to go! Sorry, I have a date with Carrie now! If- *huff, huff* if it isn't too much to ask, could you guys pack up for me?" he panted. I looked at Zane then back at Tom.
"Oh, uh su-"
"THANK YOU SOO MUCH! SEE YA (Y/N)! SEE YA ZANE!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!" he yelled running out the door. His voice slowly failing out. Me and Zane just stared at eachother, confused as to what to do next. We looked around then made eye contact. We both giggled and blushed. Then Zane spoke, braking the silence.
" This is awkward" he said jokingly. I smiled at him.
"Yeahhhhhh. So...Now what?" I Asked. He then started to blush a little and looked at me.
"W-We... Could go to my place. You know like...Netflix and chill?" he said innocently. DID HE JUST SAY NETFLIX AND CHILL?!
"Excuse me?!" I say, my jaw dropped. He relies what he says and his whole face turning red.
"T-T-Thats N-Not what I m-ment!!" he stutters. We look at eachother and start laughing again.
"Anyways, could we really? Isn't...laurance...there?" I say kind of scared. He looks disappointed.
"oh your right."
"I know! We could go to my place!" I say smiling. He looks up at me and nods in agree. I pick up my phone to see what the time was. 5:45. I place my phone down, and we head out the door and lock Up.

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