Chapter 10: Old Memories

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WARNING!! This chapter contains alcoholic struggles and family violence. If you do not like chapters like this, please skip or read at your own risk!!

*Time skip and (Y/N)'s P.O.V*

(Oh and btw if you were wondering, it's currently the first month and second week and it's a friday, I know lol, of winter in My Street. I had to calculate the weather in my own story, making sure it made sense. Anyways back to the story -PonyPie9)

We had finally arrived at my house after the, Half an Hour long, Car ride. It was really quite. Neither of us spoke. We just listened to the soft music of the local radio. I pulled up my white Ford into the small driveway of my modernized two story house. I eagerly jumped out of the car, pulling the door shut swiftly behind me. I skipped around the car over to Zane's side, which was closer to the front door. As he got out, he put his foot out of the car, causing me to fall over. He quickly jumped out to catch me, but hit his head on top of the vehicle and fell on top of me. His hands were on each side of me on the ground, almost pinning me. I lay there staring at him, my face going red. He quickly realised what he was doing and jumped up, his pale face going bright red.
"Ugh...uh i-i..." he stuttered, looking away. I pulled myself up and looked at the floor.
"uh..sorry" I say looking at the floor, while rubbing my neck nervously. Sweat drips down my forehead. I look at him and nervously smile. Being the good friends we were, Things were never usually awkward. Well, for long.
He smiles back and we start laughing. I move over to the door quickly, and fiddle with the keys. I then proceed to put the keys in, unlocking the door with one swift motion. It flies open quickly, making me stumble in. Though, Zane catches me by the shoulder this time. I smile up at him and gesture him inside. He walks in and I quickly shut the door, as a light, winters breeze starts to come through. Zane goes over to the light switch, and turns it on, brightening up the tall empty house. I stand in the middle of the living room, staring at Zane, thinking of what to do next. He looks just as confused. It was only 6:20pm, and the sun had just set. It was almost pitch black outside. I skipped over to the kitchen, and proceeded to turn the radio on. La da de by Cody Simpson started playing. I moved around to the music. I peered over at Zane who was looking at me confused. I ran over to him and grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the music. He kind of stood there, just staring at me.
"Come on, It's just us." I add blushing. He starts blushing and smiles at me. He then joins in dancing, us almost running around, swaying along to the music. It was kind of...romantic. We held Hands together, dancing to the music, blushing and laughing. Then he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up in the air. He was blushing like mad. Oh no, I was too. I started giggling and he laughed. He swung me around, then placed me back on the floor. As the song was coming to a conclusion, he looked me in the eyes, and started blushing more. Apparently I did too. He then pulled my waist towards his again, but this time, he didn't pick me up. We gazed into each other's eyes, just enjoying this moment. He then tilted his face towards mine. We slowly moved towards eachother. I closed my eyes and leaned in closer. I could hear the sound of his mask coming off. We both leaned in, a few centimeters from each other's lips. When, it happened. Again. I stopped. We were almost about to finally kiss, and I pull away. I let go of Zane's shoulders and turned the music off. Zane looked down at me and lifted up my chin, making eye contact. "(Y..Y/N)... Are you ok? Did.. Did I do something wrong?" he says looking worried. I look up at him and my eyes widen. I didn't realise I made him feel so sad. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him into a soft hug. He was suprised for a few seconds, then hugged back.
"N...No. It's not you. It's just...The past." I say with a forced smile. He doesn't buy it, and hugs tighter. I slowly make my way over to the couch, and sit down. I hug my legs tightly and bury my head between my knees. The sound of his shoes came tapping on turns smooth floor boards softly. I felt his warm body next to mine as he sat down on the soft, grey couch. Science. I jerked my head up at his, then looked back at the floor.
"Um...sorry." I said. He looked at me confused. Before he could start, I begin again. "I...I just made things awkward between us. Didn't I." he looked down at me quickly.
"N-No! Well....yeah." he rubbed his neck nervously. I smiled, attempting to make him smile, but he stayed expressionless. He reached down, placing his hand on mine.
"Look. (Y/N). I wanna know what's bothering you. I mean it." he said sternly.
"..huh?" I looked up at him, confused.
"You said something about 'The Past'. You said you just got back from isolation. You said you never got invited to sleepovers. What...exactly do you mean? You need to tell the truth." his voice stern. I looked up at him, then back at the floor. I sighed. If I was going to tell anyone, it would have to be Zane.
" Fine. My...Dad. He, he was an alcoholic," I started, " A really bad type. He would beat my mother and me without hesitation." I continued. Zane looked curious and worried the same time. "So, he forced us to move to somewhere in Kansas. far from our home in calafornia. It was just dad, mom, and me. Alone in the country side. Completely isolated from everyone else. No family, friends. No one. I was forced to be homeschooled by my mother. If she didn't teach me....he would....." I stopped. tears started to fill my eyes. I hid my face from Zane. He quickly grabbed me, pulling me into a tight hug. I sat there, crying into his chest. It was silent. The only sounds In the house was my quiet muffled sobbing, and Zane's heartbeat.
*5 Minuites later*
I slowly stopped crying, just breathing sharply. I looked up at Zane, who's chin was resting on my head. He wiped away tears, revealing a small, sad, smile. I forcefully smiled up at him, showing that I was ok. He then looked sad again, darkening his expression.
"(Y/...(Y/N), I had no idea. I' sorry." he said, tears starting again. I quickly wiped his tears away with my sleeve. He smiled at me, and chuckled. I smiled back. With Zane...everything felt better.
"Hey Zane...thank you." I say smiling, while wiping away tears. He looks confused.
"For what?" he asks.
"For being the best friend anyone could ever ask for." I smile, hugging him. I start blushing pink. He hesitates, then wraps his arm around me. I think...I like Zane. No, I know I like Zane.
*Time skip to about like 3 hours later*
It was like 10:30PM, and Zane and I had just finished up watching some Netflix. We watched my little horsies, which seemed to cheer us both up. I peered over to Zane as I was brought back to life from my little doze off, I realised what I was doing. I was lying on Zane. I fell asleep, lying on Zane. Oh god. I quickly sat upright and turned red. He blushed pink, and laughed.
"Hehe, hey (Y/N). How'd you sleep?" Zane asked blushing. I yawned and looked up at him.
"heh..ok I guess." while saying that, I reached for my phone in my pocket. I couldn't find it, so I started searching around. I must have looked like I was searching for something, cause Zane got up from the couch.
"everything ok?" he asked.
"uh...yeah, I just can't find my phone." I say while searching. Zane continues to search with me. Then I freeze.
"Zane. I remember where my phone is." I say freezing. He looks a me smiling.
"good! So...where is it?" he asks. I turn and look at him.
"The cafe." I say sternly. He looks at me as if remembering.
"Oh no."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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