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back and gayer than ever- and I mean me not these disaster gays I'm writing about-

||Chapter 17. ||

||Tord's POV. ||

We did as we were told, well.. Obviously, she's a bloody teacher for crying out loud.

The loud sounds of our shoes hitting the floor really made this scene seem more.. Eerie.

We past a few classrooms, followed by cases full top to bottom with trophies won over the years.

After passing the cases, we entered through some familiar doors, and I saw, that. God. Forsaken. Hall.. monitor.. person
. Thing.. , actually, what the hell are they?

Eh, I'm gonna go with Hall monitor, just so it's easier for my brain to configure.

While walking, my trouser pockets felt rather heavy, I didn't know -- or remember why.. But if I reached for them.. Maybe I'd be accused for like.. Getting a knife and like.. Stabbing jackass over there. (Tom.)

Just thinking about that made me chuckle.. Just imagine that, someone so, so, short just going up to an utter asshole and just.. F*cking stabbing them?!

Oh my god, just imagine that! That'd be so god damn funn--

"What's so funny?" I was brought out of my absolutely delightful thoughts to a cold monotone voice, making my blood run cold.

I look over to whoever said it, and completely forgetting his existence, WHICH IS A GOOD THING, I saw Tom. Just staring at me.. Well, actually I couldn't tell, since he has no.. Eyes..

"I said, what's so funny?" He repeats himself, I can just taste the bitterness of his voice, hah, he must me soooo mad right now.

"Enough," The teacher in front of us turns around and just looks at us. "I want you two to sit down in these chairs and wait to be called in." She said, trying to be polite, to be honest, looks like she's losing it inside.

Looking at the door next to the seats, there was a bit plated sign saying "Principal." Oh boy.

".. Uh, you can't be serious?" I blurt out, putting my hand up in the what the actual f*ck emotion. Still, neither of us sat down.

"I actually agree with this communist for once." Tom commented, rolling his nonexistent eyes, I couldn't see that, but I knew he was doing it.

I swiftly turned around, not taking any bullsh*t pointing right in Tom's face.

"I will kick your ass." I threatened, trying to make him shut up.

"Yeah, well, sorry about that." He signed, slapping my hand down, "I already beat yours."

"I'm going to light your house on fire." I stared at him, "I hope you burn."

"TORD!" The teacher didn't sound happy.

I smirked, turning around to her,

"What? I'm being remotely nice." I smiled, the most smug smile I've done in a while.

Just when she opened her mouth to complain again, the office door swung open, and a tall lady stood there, her hair tied up in a bun, and a seriously angry expression on her face.

She turned to the other teacher, "Thank you miss, but I'll take it from here."


°•°•°•°•|End of chapter. |°•°•°•°•°


New chapter in about 10 mins ish.

Any mistakes? Pleas correct them!

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