Sonic High school (shadamy story)

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Okay let's see who vs who:Cosmo vs Cream,Amy vs Mina,Julie-su vs Rouge and Peach vs pauline... there would probley be more.But just sit and relax and eat chocolate.LOL just kidding enjoy!

(Mina's P.O.V)

I was walking with my friends Sally and Julie-su until I saw AMY HOLDING HANDS WITH THE GUY I LIKED SHADOW!

"How can he like go out with her like they will be a so bad couple like you know what I mean girls...I think I am starting to get a habit of saying "like" alot.I said

"You sure are"sally said with a smirk.

"LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Julie-su teased.

I knew my friends were just teasing me so I ignored them.

"Well fine if Amy wants war I will give her war".I said.

"Well actually Mina war 101 was done like a long time ago".Silver said acting funny (it worked though)

(Cream's P.O.V)

Blaze and I had a fight so i'm in a bad mood.

"Hey Cream"! Tails said.

"LEAVE ME ALONE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled.(sometimes when i'm in a bad mood I take it on other people... Okay maybe not SOMETIMES)

"But I-

I cut tails off.

"LISTEN! Yes your cute yes your smart yes your nice but YOU ARE EXTREMELY ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

OOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone said.

"You just got DICED! Silver said while smacking his butt. I rolled my eyes at Silver's stupidity, Tails' face started to harden.

"Well fine I was about to ask you out but I guess cosmo is the one INSTEAD!" Tails yelled.

(Tails went)

"Um... Cream you do realize Tails was about to ask you out but now he is gonna ask out cosmo". Rouge remeinded me.

"OMG I never even relived did you know which way he went? I asked

"He went to the left". Rouge said.

"Thanks Rouge!" I yelled as I ran.

I'm in the hallway I saw Marine so I asked her.

"Marine!"I called out.

"PACMAN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...wait a minute... your not pacman?!? Marine said stupidly.

"Which way did tails go?" I asked

"Around the corner then take a right mate".

"Thanks!" I said.

By the time I reached tails IT WAS TOO LATE HE WAS KISSING COSMO!! I felt a pang of guilt as I watched the horror.

Cosmo saw me then smirked at me then held Tails hand and walked away.

(Rouge's P.O.V)

I was in the cafeteria but I saw Julie-su flirting with my boyfriend knuckles.

I walked over to knuckles and whispered something in his ear.

"Oh okay Julie-su can you get me a drink of water please".Knuckles asked

"okay"Julie-su responded

Julie-su ran and since the floor was wet she slipped and fell in the garbage can.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAAAA.everyone laughed I hope she learned her lesson.


I was sitting with white mage in the cafeteria watching some girl slip and fall in the garbage can I looked at peach,her and mario has gotten close so i'm gonna make peach become one of us she will feel so popular then forget about Mario then he will be all mine.

"Hey peach wanna sit with us"?I asked almost puking

"Since when we became friends plus I'm sitting with Rosalinda,zelda and daisy."peach replied

"Oh but don't you think you can give them a break besides I totally changed now".I said

"okay I guess"she said

as soon as we sat at the table white mage freaked out.

"Um Pauline can I talk to you alone for a secound".she asked not looking so happy

"okay stay here peach".

we went to the door.

"so..."white mage began


before I could say anything she kept talking

"Do you have a fever did she brainwash you?"

I explained the whole plan then after we went back to peach.

sonic high school (shadamy story)Where stories live. Discover now