Getting back together

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wow, Amy was pretty... angry when she heard whats happened. Last time on Sonic High School Shadow found out that Natalie was cheating him so he got so upset which turned Amy on so she turned into dark Amy for a while and she still is! Let's check out her P.O.V.

(Amy's P.O.V.)

Yup. Thats right,still dark. I calmed down for a few secounds but when I see Natalie with another guy and Shadow not acting like himself AND KEEP SLACKING! I I just get  I... I... feel sorry for him.


I know I never thought I would say that either. There is certain friends I like to have in  my circle. For example, when I'm feeling sad Daisy will cheer me up. When I want to go shopping,I go with Peach. When I'm bored I bother Knuckles with Rouge and Tikal. Or I can even go to Marine!

But when I'm confused I go to Rosealinda or Zelda... i'm confused... So now it's time to go to Rosealida's house...

(At Rosealinda's house)

Zelda was at Rosealinda's house too. Zelda and Rosealinda are thereapist to me.

"So..." Zelda began as she got out her notebook.

"Why are you here." Rosealida said getting her pen ready to jot down the notes.

"Well you always help me with my problems and ... well ever since Shadow and I broke up I've been paying more attention to him." I tried to sound pesifecic.

"Well ya all girls who don't have Shadow pay attention to him, I know I have Link by that man is hot!" Zelda said not helping.Rosealinda gave her a looked at her. Her face reads:Your so immature.

"What do you mean  you pay more attention to him?" Rosealinda said.

"Well I noticed that he's slacking in football alot,and I noticed he was so sad this past weekend and I just feel so bad for him." I answerd her question and she quickly jotted down the notes. This time it was Zelda's turn to talk. I hope she is gonna be helpful this time.

"Amy what were your emotions when Shadow broke up with you?" Zelda asked. She's being helpful.

"First, I was sad, than I realised he said he's gonna date Natalie and I got so angry!" I startd to feel my rage again.

"And what was your emotion when you broke up with your old boyfriend...not Shadow." Rosealinda asked.

"Oh I just felt rage than I waited a few seconds... than went on with my normal life no crying." I said. I thought for a momment. I could already tell what their gonna say to me.

"Amy I think you still love Shadow!"They both said at the same time.They were about to say jinx but they realized there under a roof.

"That can't be my old boyfriend not Shadow I didn't feel sorry that we broke up what makes a difference with Shadow!?!" I asked yelling in their face.

"That's probaly because you never loved your old boyfriend not Shadow."Zelda said simply.

"But...but that... I don't belive it." I said Rosealinda and Zelda were staring at me, their faces were dull, it looked like their bored like I bored them,They looked at me as if I'm stupid.

We all know what this means I guess...

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