Gossip/Rumors pt.2

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Last time on Sonic high school Shadamy story: Becky and honey... well mostly Becky were spreading rumors around the school witch caused break ups,end of freindships and even betrayel.I left a clifthanger so let's stat from were we ended.


Hot bat:Tikal I have no idea what your talking about.


Hot Bat:Listen I may have no idea what your talking about BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN CALL ME A PIG!...AND ALL THAT OTHER STUFF

My brother is a moron:Whatever i'm out! :( :P

*My brother is a moron has now logged off*

HotBat:Can you belive her Amy,Why do people like her?I know I will make up a rumor so no one will like her anymore!! :) :D

PinkRose:I don't know the,I'm pretty sure the thing Tikal told us was a rumor and it caused a problem at school we don't want anymore drama we already learn it in class.

Hot Bat:So whoever made the rumors their a genius.

*Hit me I dare you #1 and Hit me I dare you #2 has just logged on*

PinkRose:Lemme guess Becky and Honey.

Hit me I dare you #2: Yup but Amy what are you doing online when you should be keeping an eye on Shadow.

PinkRose:What are you talking about?

Hit me I dare you #1:OMG you haven't heard Mina is flirting with your man!

PinkRose: WHAT I knew I shouldn't trust her! Is Shadow falling for it?

Hit me I dare you #2:No not yet but if I were you I would still keep an eye on him everyone knows mina is a flir a big one too.

PinkRose: Thanks I'm getting my hammer ready for mMina right now!

*PinkRose has just logged off*

And after that Becky and Honey were spreading even more rumors.

(Daisy's P.O.V)

I swear nothing makes sense anymore.

Peach has been even ruder to Pauline and has been a little rude to Mario,blaze has been looking in the future latley,Amy had been following Shadow everwhere,Tikal and Rouge have been fighting alot and Knuckles has to suffer and even more things happend!


I checked the time,time for touture,the principal is feeling better but she said we get work done faster with the assistance so we are pementaly principal assistances.

I  get to the office were I see Pauline and White Mage gossiping waiting for the principal to call us in her office.

"Ladies come in." The principal said greetly with her beautiful cheerfull smile.

We took the seats in her office.We sat down as usual we have to put our phones in a box so we won't text or do anything.We do that in class too I made up the rule to get back at pauline and White Mage for  tieing my to shoe laces together n vollyball.I was just about to get the point for our team but I slipped.If you say that is not good  revenge it actually is because they can't live without there phone's.

"Girls we have a problem at school.Gossip and rumors."She said as her cheerful smile became into a serious look.

"Well yes Pauline and I made a power point showing what will happen if we don't stop."White Mage said

I was surprised Pauline and White mage don't start rumors but they do gossip this got me confused why  do they want to do this presetation?Probaly so the principal can reward them by letting them text during the meetings again.

"Very well play it please."She said

They played it,it was amazing they showed how there might be wars and everything!The principal was crying I think I was getting jealous but in a good way I was speechless. Surprisingly the principal found her words.

"We...we will defentaly play that." She said.I passed her the tissue box.

"Well I kept track of those who are not getting along so I'll make them sit together."I said 

"Perfect."The principal said and we kept planing the meeting.

(The assembly)

I was seating the people I was at Amy and Mina.

"Um no thanks Daisy I'd rather sit with Shadow."Amy said

"Nope you have to sit beside Mina."I said

"What why would I sit with that mutt?!?"Amy snapped

"Exuse Me?"Mina stood up.

"Your exused." Amy said Cheerfully

I get this all the time,I guess I have to deal with it I look at them there still fighting.

"Listen your gonna sit down and watch the assembly you don't have to make eye contact."I said.Any looked angry at me.It's really hard to see my friends angry or sad so I quickly move on.

I watched the assembly.Pauline and White Mage showed their brilliant power point that I'm still Jealous of I said a few words the choir sang their don't be a bully song and everything.After that it was time to go home but people can still stay. Espicaly the football players and Cheerleaders but you have to go back home before 5:00. People were talking and saying sorry to one antoher.

(Sally's P.O.V)

I see Mina and Amy hug than Mina comes to me. We both feel guilty because that rumor were we called Julie-su stupid was true.

Julie-su walked up to us.

"Hey guys sorry for being to hard on ya."She said with her pretty smile.Mina and I know we have to tell the truth.

"Julie that Rumor were we called you stupid was true."I said

Her great smile turned into a frown she stepped back and turned around taking a few steps.

"Julie wait!" Mina called her to wait.

"Don't call me that." She said sadly.

"Can we talk about this?"I asked and took a few steps I was still behind her.


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