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Okay guys one more next chapter is the last chapter. I'm sorry but every story has to come to a end. But I am making another book and since I am coming to the end of this book I will probaly be better at the next book because you know once you do something once you'll get better at it next time so ya. here is the info to my next book.

Book: "High School Is Like A Zoo"

(Julie-su's P.O.V)

Me oh I was already danceing and why didn't go dance with Jason... well because I think he's going with Pauline becase they have been hanging out for a while, so then I told my friends they have to go to homecoming with me so I wouldn't feel left out.I know yo thought I was stupid but I know the rest of the alphabet so I am smart again!!!

I looked around, Amy is dancing with Shadow, Silver is getting Blaze some punch Natalie is sitting down sulking at the way how Amy and Shadow are acting so lovey dovey!

Then I see Jason, he's actually with his friends too... I see the principal assistance enter the stage with a micro phone.

''We are here to announce homecoming queen and king.'' White Mage said like she didn't care

''It is...'' Pauline began than I see a smirk on her face.

''MMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!'' She ran to the crown and placed it on her head.

''NO!'' Daisy yelled out, she grabbed the crown off her face.

''No one in thier right mind will vote for you!'' Daisy said and everyone burst out of laughter.

''The real winers are... JULIE-SU AND JASON!'' Daisy said, everyone started claping as we made our way.

''Now as the rules for dances the king and queen has to dance to a slow song.'' The principal added.

We danced to ''I'm wide awake'' by Katy Perry, I was free to ask him a few questions.

''Are you haveing fun with Pauline?'' I asked and I saw an akward look on his face.

''Pauline is my sister and we hate each other.'' He stated.

''Oh...'' I trailed off than Jason did something unexpected.

He kissed me...

It didn't feel good...

Usally when I kiss someone...

Sparks fly...

and I feel fireworks...

''Th that didn't feel good.''

"What are you talking abot?" Jason asked he looked very confsed, hey maybe I'm not the only stupid one!

"Well when you kiss someone you feel fireworks or sparks fly, when I kissed you... I felt nothing." I told him, I felt very guilty he looks as if he's about to leave me on stage alone and just go home.

"Fireworks and sparks fly is a myth-" I cut him off

"Than why when I kiss other boys I feel them, even the boys feel them!" I started loud whispering because I had to get my anger out but if I yell at him I'l embaress myself infrount of th crowd.

''Listen I kiss girls and I feel nothing.''Jason said simply

''Because thier not the one.'' I simply said mocking him. He didn't look angry he looked depressed, than he looked like he was about to pull out a gun luckily the song was over.

I went over to Sally and Mina, I notice Jason was starring at me.

''Wait here girls.'' I walked away not waiting for a reply.

''Look I probaly broke your heart but bf and gf isn't everything, we can be friends.'' I gave him my cheerfull smile that I always use on boys to make him say yes. His smile turned upside down and said.'

''Friends.'' We gave each other hugs and I went back to Sally and Mina. They both looked confused.(again not only dumb one!)

 "I thought we said 'no boys'." Mina stated

"Not a bf a friend." I replied

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