Chapter 16.
Starting from the bottom to top. So much I'd give up for you... I don't think my donations would stop. Without you it's a really cold world, give me back the world where it's always very hot.
I'd give up my fingernails and toenails, if it meant I'd be able to get 10 more seconds with you, and another 10 more seconds for a last kiss. I'd give up my knees to kneel down as I propose. I'd give up my legs if it meant I'd be two steps closer to having you back. I'd give up my feet if it meant I'd be able to walk in your shoes and learn how to be more understanding. I'd give up my hands if it meant you'd hold mine and fill up the spaces between all my fingers. I'd makes my arms shorter, and I'd give up my wrists so I can look at the time on my wristwatch so I would be late to pick you up for one last meal together. My arms are still available. I'd give up the rest of my arms if it meant I'd be able to wrap them around you nice and tight again. My arms would keep you warm, or cradle you till they'd fall off. I'd give up my shoulders, if it meant I'd be able to ask you if you wanted pizza or Chinese food tonight. Why? Because I'd be able to sacrifice my shoulders to see you do that cute shoulder shrug and reply telling me you're okay with either. I'd give up my neck if it meant I'd be able to turn my head to you all the time. I'd give up my lips just so I'd be able to high five your lips with mind while they're still on my face. Sometimes with a nose you can smell things you didn't intent to smell. There's a lot I'd intend to smell, like the smell of cookies being baked. Yum. I'd give up this working nose if it meant I'd be able to smell your hair again. That hair of yours always smells like magic when I smell it during bedtime. You have this standout spark in your eyes. I'd give up my eyes if it meant I could fast forward and see you walking down the aisle at our wedding. I'd give up my skin if it meant we'd be able to grow what's left of us together.
Whoa! Am I exposed? Yeah I guess I am. I know I was broken, but this is something else. My insides are laying on the doorsteps in front of your house.
Are those my ribs? I'd give up my ribs if it meant we could grill together one last time. I'd give up my kidneys which can process my body waste, because my body is gone and because giving anything up for you wouldn't be a waste. Does your blood need to be cleaned? I'm all over the floor like I mentioned, so I'd give up my organ would always be a part of you. What's that red weird looking thing? Oh yeah that's what a real heart looks like. I'd give up my heart if it meant my person would fall in love with me tonight.
I'd be lying if I told you there's more of me to give up. I think I'm gone (from this world). Where am I? I'm not there with you that's for sure. Everything I said I'd give up for you is actually missing! Seriously where the heck am I now? I'm living my life in 1st person without my physical self in my peripheral vision. I think my soul has passed. Maybe my transportation came early and I'm in heaven again? Whatever world this is, I'm gonna try forcing myself to sleep. Let's see where I wake up, because this place is totally blank. I don't think there's a name for this place yet. Lord, capture me while I snooze. Goodbye.

His Left Temporal Lobe Leaked
PoesíaI'm Luis. This is my freestyle project, call it anything you want. I am preparing myself for a potential surgery in my right temporal lobe. Appointments, decisions, and testing... It all begins on June 7th, 2018. I thought I'd keep writing this new...