Gym Timeline.
It's Wednesday, the first day of May 2019. Surgery is on Monday. Year 1 is finally over and done with. Year 2 begins this instant! There were many times I've felt like hanging up my hoodie for good, but the negativity is what fuels me up to stay persistent. Lonely, but every day it's been "MM&I". Me, myself, & I. I wasn't included in much these 12 months, maybe the universe had a jam packed schedule and just kept me distant. The gym has been my sanctuary, the gym became my friend last year. Our relationship has been very consistent.
Thanks for being there for me, Luis.

His Left Temporal Lobe Leaked
PoesíaI'm Luis. This is my freestyle project, call it anything you want. I am preparing myself for a potential surgery in my right temporal lobe. Appointments, decisions, and testing... It all begins on June 7th, 2018. I thought I'd keep writing this new...