Chapter 1 | Gray or Beige?

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Two Years Ago

Gerard stretched out his back as he finished moving in the boxes that contained his items from home. He smiled a little as he saw the mess of the newly bought house.

I'll get this in tip-top shape! He thought to himself happily.

He decided that he should head back outside and help his husband, Frank, get his own stuff from the moving van. He squinted a little at the bright sunlight, already not used to it; even though he was just outside.

He saw his lover by the side of the van, talking to the driver.

Gerard didn't want to interrupt, so he - unnoticed - started putting other things inside the house.

He grunted a little as he lifted a rather heavy box. Sweat started to shine on his pale face. He frowned in concentration, hoping to God that he wouldn't drop anything.

He heard footsteps come over to him, and he looked down to see Frank smiling up at him. "Sorry, I would've got the stuff myself. I was paying the driver...." His sentence drifted away as Gerard waved his hand.

"It's no big deal, it wasn't that hard. How much did you owe him?"

" 'Bout twenty dollars."

Gerard lifted his eyebrows. "Really? Only twenty?" He asked incredulously.

Frank nodded his head, which caused his dark fringe to cover his magnificent eyes. "I was surprised, too." He shifted his hair away.

For a few hours, they settled into their small suburban house with little talking, only to do so if they forgot to get something.

At last, they could relax for the night until they would continue tomorrow.

Gerard flung his body on the bed they brought in, ignoring the fact there was no sheets or covers on it. He felt the bed tip downwards as Frank nestled in beside him.

"I'm so tired," Frank's voice was muffled by Gerard's shirt, who chuckled and started to stroke Frank's hair.

"It's been a long day," Gerard murmured, his eyes fluttering shut. He felt Frank nod his head on his chest.


"No, that's way too dark," Gerard shook his head as Frank showed him yet another gray color card.

"C'mon," Frank whined, "it's" - he had to flip back and read the card again - "Down pipe gray! It'll look awesome!"

"Let's find a lighter shade. I don't want the house to look depressing." Gerard continued looking at different shades of colors. Most if them were either too dark or light.

"Oo!" Frank squeaked. "How 'bout this one! Soft fern gray!" He showed his husband a color card.

It had a very strange green tint to it.

"Mm, let's look at beige or white. I think that'll be better."

"Okay," Frank replaced the card and started to look. He suddenly snorted and pulled out a card. "He he he, crumb cookie!" He showed him the card.

Gerard made a satisfied face. "I actually like that color, that could be for the kitchen!"

Frank goggled at him. "I was just joking, but okay."

They piled into the car a few hours later, the trunk full of groceries and house items. Gerard rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I think we're all set until we can paint."

Frank nodded and pulled out of the lot.


Gerard eyed his reflection in the mirror. He noticed that his long, black hair would soon need a trim. And that his hazel eyes looked a little dull from overworking. But he didn't mind. He was okay with what he looked like for now.

He shook his head and stepped out of the bathroom, tying a towel around his skinny waist. He walked into his bedroom and tried to find some clothes. Once he did, he let go of his towel.

Frank whistled, making Gerard crack a small smile. "Hush, you."

"You're so hot, y'know that." Frank wiggled his eyebrows and checked him out.

Gerard put on some dark sweatpants and climbed - thankfully, with sheets - in bed. Frank wrapped his arms around him and kissed his neck gently, biting down on a few sensitive parts.

Gerard made a small noise and closed his eyes. "I'm too tired." He crooned.

Frank made a tutting noise, but nevertheless quit his seductive behavior.

"Whatever the queen wants," he breathed in Gerard's ear, nipping it in the process.

Gerard opened his eyes to roll them, then shut them once more. "Shh. Do you hear the silence?"

"No, 'cuz you're talking." Frank sassed back.

"Exactly." Gerard smirked and pressed his lips to Frank's temple, stroking his arm in the process.

Frank let out a shudder in delight, but soon started to fall asleep from the stroking.

As soon as Frank let out the smallest snore on the world, Gerard stopped his stroking and went to sleep.


"Morning, sweetie." Frank kissed Gerard's cheek as he entered the kitchen, his hair a tangled mess. "Sleep good?" He asked, his attention now on the scrambled eggs that sat in the pan.

Gerard yawned and nodded.

"Coffee's in the microwave, kept it warm for you." said Frank, scooping the food and turning it over so other sides could cook.

"Thanks, hon." Gerard smiled and opened the microwave they hooked up yesterday, he took out the mug and sipped it, closing is eyes at the warmth. God, did he need this.

"I was thinking we could go out to eat with Mikey and Ray, what do you think?" His husband looked up from the food to await his response.

"When?" Gerard thought out loud.

"Next week. Mikey was the one who suggested it."

"Next week will be fine. We'll be settled in." Gerard sat at the table and pulled out his phone. "Hey, what's the WiFi password?"

Frank told him it and sat down with their food.

"Thanks," answered Gerard, both for the food and password.

"How much stuff is in the local storage?" Frank took a bite of his breakfast.

Gerard bit his lip, then spoke. "I think ... I honestly don't know."

Frank laughed his adorable laugh. "That's very convenient."

Gerard smiled and ate his food.

Oof, I literally wrote this as soon as I wrote the prologue. Sorry that it's not what you expected yet, but I'm working on it xD

I need food.

Get me some chips?

Trust ~ Frerard MPregWhere stories live. Discover now