Chapter 8 | He Promised He'll Never Leave The Love Of His Life

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Frank saw tears fill Gerard's eyes, which told him he already confirmed the truth. He waited for Gerard to say something. He didn't want to be the first. And what would he say?

"I - I - I'm sorry - Frank," Gerard started crying, covering his face with his palms, small tremors were overtaking his body.

Frank furrowed his brows and bit his lip. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly, still standing his ground.

Gerard sucked in a few shaky breaths, using the heels of his hands to wipe away tears as he tried to calm down. His expression was of great pain.

Frank didn't want to suffocate Gerard, but he wanted to comfort him. He maneuvered over furniture to get to him, resting a palm on his hip. He brushed his raven black hair away from his face.

Gerard reacted as if he didn't even know he was there. He kept trying to brush away tears and steady his breathing.

Frank waited patiently for Gerard to start talking. True, he was very anxious and confused, but his feelings were most likely nowhere near to Gerard's.

Finally, Gerard opened his eyes, interlocking their gaze before looking down at his hand. "Well...." He frowned, unsure of where to start.

"Here, let's sit down." Frank took his husband's hand and led them down gently. "I guess you can first tell me how you are pregnant." He discretely diverted his eyes to Gerard's stomach.

"My mother used to smoke and do drugs. Always. Even when she was pregnant with me. And, of course, you get birth defects if your mother decides to be a stupid arse. Anyway, you know how every female has a uterus?"

Frank gave a noncommittal shrug.

Gerard plunged on. "I guess somehow I must've formed a uterus inside the womb. Along with the sperm cell. So, basically both reproductive systems."

"So, you can get pregnant, but also get other women pregnant?" Frank, surprisingly, was understanding.

Gerard nodded slowly, looking troubled. Frank took one of his hands and rubbed it with his thumb, soothing his husband. He felt Gerard relax a little more. "Is ... this your first pregnancy?"

Frank barely paused his rubbing when Gerard shook his head. He's been pregnant before? Where is that baby?

As if Gerard read his mind, he whispered, "it died." His hazel eyes started to brim again, his hand shaking in Frank's.

"Baby -"

"I was very young," apparently, Gerard wanted to tell his husband the painful story.

"Gerard -" Frank tried again. He didn't want to upset Gerard. He felt guilty for even bringing the question up.

"No. I'm telling you," Gerard snapped, then relaxed again. "I was a sophomore. I had a boyfriend. Well, we were young and stupid and decided to have sex. But what we forgot was protection. Typical." He added under his breath. "Well, what I didn't know, was that I could get pregnant! And guess what? My mother knew. My mother freaking knew all along and didn't tell me! She could've told me!"

He was how getting visually upset. His eyes were dilating, his shaking increasing as he told Frank.

"Gee -"

"No. So, I learned my pregnancy the hard way. Morning sickness, cramps, exhaustion. A few weeks in, I told my mother, and she immediately took me to my doctor, fearing the worse. And it was confirmed. To my surprise, my mother wasn't angry at all. She accepted everything about me. My sexuality, my love for art, everything. She even stopped being stoned and drunk after she figured out her baby was ... different. But, she did give me such a telling for it. I deserved it. Even Mikey helped me with it. A few weeks later, I decided to tell my boyfriend about it. But, he was the type of guy to run away from his problems. He ran away from this one, Frank. He ran away and left me to develop our ch-child." He had tears running down his pale cheeks, his nose slightly red, his breathing shaky.

Frank gently stroked his arm, telling him with it that everything would be okay.

Gerard continued after a few deep breaths. "Complications started rising. My doctor told me that in male pregnancy, it was easier to lose the baby because male bodies aren't made for developing children. I was terrified for it. Motherly feelings definitely arose in me. One day, something f-felt different inside. I-I went ... I went to get an ul-ultrasound. I ... I - I was told - I ... I lost b-baby. I lost it!" He started crying again, hunching over, his face twisted in mental agony. He covered his face again, full out sobbing now. He was rocking back and forth now.

Frank felt his heart crack. He couldn't stand seeing his husband being hurt this way. He wished he knew, he wished Gerard told him. He could've helped him.

Frank took Gerard in his arms, his chin resting on Gerard's head, which was now lying on Frank's chest. He was still shaking with emotion. He felt his shirt starting to slowly get wet from Gerard's pained tears. He rocked them softly, kissing Gerard's soft hair every now and then. "It's okay... I won't leave you, I promise. I'll never leave you."

Gerard sniffled, his eyes closed. He looked exhausted. Frank guessed that telling something painful as that was tiring. Emotionally and mentally.

"I'm scared. What if our baby dies...?" Gerard breathed out after minutes of rocking and small sniffles. He blinked open his eyes and looked up at Frank, tears staining his cheeks.

Frank looked back down at him softly. "This baby won't die. I know it. This one's strong. It has a strong mother."

Gerard let a little smile before giving his reply. "She."


"Our baby's a she. I figured out earlier."

Frank blinked down at him in shock and happiness. They were having a baby girl! And it was possibly healthy! He suddenly frowned. "How in the world would've you hide a baby when you actually had it?"

"I would've told you anyway." Gerard sighed, his voice was tiny. He was definitely a whole lot calmer than he was earlier. He took back Frank's hand and led it down to his stomach.

Frank was a little taken aback to actually feel a bump there. It wasn't very big, but it wasn't too small either. Frank splayed out his fingers and smiled. He pressed a gentle kiss to Gerard's forehead.

"How in the world have I not noticed. Especially when you were throwing up only in the mornings! That's definitely a sign. And now that I think about it. You were starting to get very moody over nothing."

Gerard slapped his arm playfully, earning a chuckle from Frank. "Shut up, you. What'd you do with my sonogram?"

Frank blinked. Sonogram? "Heh?" He grunted.

"Oh, there they are." Gerard stood up and walked over to where Frank was originally standing and bent over, collecting them. "You must've dropped 'em."

Frank grinned at him sheepishly. "Have you though of any names?" He quickly changed the subject.

Gerard shook his head. "Well," he tilted it, "I have thought of about two on my way back home. Lola and Bandit. And before I knew the gender. Miles. If she was a boy."

"Those are beautiful." Frank whispered into Gerard's ear once he climbed back in his lap. He put his hand on Gerard's stomach. He was already protective.

Gerard rested his own pale hand on Frank's, a small smile forming on his lips. "I'm so happy."

"You should be, love."


I feel like I could've done better with this chapter...

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