Chapter 2 | He Doesn't Know

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Two Years Later

Gerard sighed and rubbed his tired eyes, thinking about the night before. They had one hell of one. Gerard blushed a little as he thought of Frank's arms grazing against his bare back.

He stood up from the bed, his whole body sore. He stretched out his limbs and clamored back into clothes. He looked over at his sleeping lover before descending down the stairs to get a mug of coffee.

He brushed his hair from his face and sat down at the dining room table, pulling out his phone in the process.

A few minutes later, he stretched out his arm to get his drink and noticed the very faint, white scars from his high school years. He was only 21, but the memories were very vivid. He smile softly, remembering Frank always being there for him.

He didn't know where he'd be now if he hadn't met him.

He was shook from his thoughts as he heard the small creaks of the wooden steps. He grumbled a little, now remembering that they were supposed to change the floorboards on the steps.

"You already up?" Gerard felt Frank's arms wrap around his waist, his forehead nuzzled into his back.

"Yeah, it was my time." He glanced at the stove's clock that read 7:40 AM.

Frank let go and gently took his cup, taking a sip from it. "I guess Sleeping Beauty doesn't need her sleep."

Gerard scrunched up his nose and took his cup back. "Whatever." He said in mock-annoyance.

Frank laughed a little and walked away to get a bowl of cereal. "I'm off today." He said.

"You are? Why?"

"I have to sub for a guitarist, no biggie." He shrugged.

Gerard raised an eyebrow. "No biggie? Frank, this is something you always wanted to do! You're amazing at the guitar!"

"It doesn't matter, those were dreams," Frank mumbled, taking a bite of food. "And besides, it's only for a gig of theirs. They're not even big."

"Oh. But still," Gerard took a seat beside him, "it'd be really cool to see you in a band."

Frank let himself smile. "Anyway," he started, rubbing his neck thoughtfully, "we still have to fix the stairs."

"I know, I know. I'm gonna get there. But money is a little tight; I don't get a lot where I work." Frank's husband sighed, his brow furrowed.

"Hey, it'll be okay. Don't worry about it. For now, we should be up for another night." Frank winked, sucking in his lower lip.

Gerard felt his face go slightly pink. "You left be so freaking sore."

"That's my speciality." Frank curled his tattooed-fingers around Gerard's skeletal ones.

Gerard leaned forward and brushed his lips against Frank's, relishing his familiar taste. Frank closed his eyes and deepened the kiss, his tongue brushing Gerard's. As if they could read each other's mind, the both stood up, breaking their embrace. Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard's neck, and Gerard wrapped his around his husband's small waist.

Frank let out a soft moan as Gerard slid his fingers up into his shirt, his arms tightening.

They soon let go, due to the need of air. They kept their faces close, their noses touching every now and then.

"I love you," Frank breathed softly, his gaze never leaving Gerard's.

"I love you, too," replied Gerard sincerely.

Trust ~ Frerard MPregWhere stories live. Discover now