Chapter 6 | Gerard...?

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5 Months Pregnant

"So, you finally told him?" Mikey took a small bite of his food, chewing thoughtfully.

Gerard shifted guiltily in his chair, tugging at his hoodie. "Yeah, I told Frank. He was very excited." If only he thought that would be true.

Mikey beamed at him, shifting his napkin between his hands to clean them off. "See, Gee, I told you he would never leave you! And look now, a full family!"

Gerard never felt more miserable in his life. Mikey seemed genuinely happy about this. Gerard thought Mikey was drifting away, but apparently he wasn't. One item off of his negative list.

"Yeah...full family."

Gerard suddenly felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He knew full and well who it was before he even opened the notification box.

Frank: Gerard? Where are you? Are you okay?

Gerard bit his lip. He never felt so guilty in his life. He decided to text him yet another lie.

Gerard: Sorry, baby. I was with Mikey. Don't worry about me.

Well, it was the truth. He was with Mikey....


"Well, it looks like your baby is doing very well!" The lady, (actually, the same lady he had last time, too) Ms. Ballato, removed the wand and clicked a few keys, smiling to herself.

"I don't see any negatives," she said after a little while, she stood up again and grabbed the wand, brushing a few strands of her dark hair away from her face. She gave him a very warm smile. "Also," she started slowly, "I think I could give you the gender today, since it looks big enough."

"R-Really?" Gerard managed to get out, deeply surprised. He's been waiting for this moment for a while. He didn't like to call his beloved child "it."

Ms. Ballato dipped her head once and pressed the wand once again on his stomach, looking up at the screen that was close to them.

"Thank you, Ms. Ballato." He gazed at the screen also, excitement bubbling in his chest. Boy or girl?

"Oh please, Gerard, I've know you for a long time. Just call me Lindsey." She winked at him, showing her pearly white teeth.

Gerard gave her a little laugh, trying not to shake the wand that was repeatedly moving around his stomach.

After a few moment, Lindsey took the wand away and replaced her look of deep concentration with happiness. "No need to call your baby "it" anymore. You're having a girl."

A girl, he was having a girl. Gerard's anxious face split into a very wide smile, tears threatening to spill. "A girl?"

Lindsey gave him a few napkins to wipe the gel away, still smiling. Gerard knew this was her perfect job, since she always looked genuinely happy about unborn babies. "A girl." She echoed.

Gerard wanted to scream to Frank. To tell him that they were having a girl, and that she was okay. That she wasn't going to die on them.

Lindsey studied his far-out expression, sympathy lacing her eyes. "You haven't told him...." It wasn't a question, but a statement. She knew about the complications that Gerard was having, and has supported him the whole time. Gerard loved Lindsey to death, and it would kill him if he couldn't see her anymore. She was like the best friend he never had.

"No," Gerard shook his head and heaved a deep sigh. "It's way too hard." His erratic emotions were killing him.

Lindsey gently grasped his hand, forcing Gerard to look into her dark eyes. "It will be okay, I promise."

Gerard didn't want to argue, so he simply nodded his head.

If he only knew.


Gerard tugged helplessly at his sweatshirt, hoping it would hide more of his stomach. He felt uncomfortable these days, even though he was definitely not close to giving birth.

It hurt to see Frank give him strange looks and hesitant answers or questions. It was also terrifying. Was this the start of a divorce? What if Frank was starting to get bored of him? He probably was....

And also, he finally knew his baby's gender! A girl, Gerard couldn't wait. He would do everything with her. Take her to the park, give her ice cream, have tea, and, obviously, dress up parties!

He would have to start looking at names. He couldn't believe how much he had procrastinated with it -

"Gee?" Frank suddenly bursted through their bedroom door, clutching something behind his back. His expression had horror written all over it.

Gerard's insides went cold. He tried to act nonchalant, but he failed miserably. "Y-yeah?"

Frank slowly lifted what he had been holding.

Gerard's sonograms.

"You're pregnant?"

Hey guys, sorry for a really short chapter. I've took a two or three day break from writing to relax xD And, I honestly don't know what else I would have put in here besides having Frank finally know he was pregnant.

Trust ~ Frerard MPregWhere stories live. Discover now