Chapter 10 | Oh, How The Happiness Is Contagious

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Frank and Gerard had a few hospital bags packed just in case of the arrival of the baby. It was very close to Bandit's due date, and they were taking every precaution they could.

A few days before the due date, he started to feel small, sharp pains hit his stomach. It didn't hurt much, so he wasn't worried. But in the afternoon, it became worse. And at night, it felt like agony.

He thought it would be best to tell Frank, who had bit his lip and shrugged. "It could just be a bug."

Of course, how would they now it was time for Bandit to join the world? They never had a child.

Gerard was sitting on the couch when he suddenly gasped. He placed a hand to his stomach and gritted his teeth when another unbearable pain overtook him. "Frank?" His voice broke when he called for him.

"Frank?" He shouted this time. He knew now it was the baby. What else could it be?

Frank came hurrying in. "Is it doing it again?" He bent down beside Gerard, his voice laced with concern.

"Jesus Christ - go, dammit! Get the bags!" Gerard growled.

"It's the baby? Holy shit!" Frank made no intention to stay, he hurried away, stumbling a few times.

Gerard hunched over when another contraction took place, his eyes blurred. Was this what females felt? 

Frank came back with the bags. He tried a few times to help Gerard, but the other man insisted on doing it himself, saying that he was capable enough.

Frank hopped around the car, stuffing bags in and making sure it Gerard was getting inside without any struggles.

Once he was finished, he hopped in the car and slammed the door shut. He looked at Gerard, who was taking in large breaths. "That's right, breath. In, out." He held out his hand for Gerard to take.

His husband thankfully grasped his hand, squeezing as tight as he could when another pain sliced him. "Sh-shit...." He panted, struggling to take in deep, regular breaths.

Frank tried not grimace as Gerard squeezed it even tighter. He knew this wasn't as bad as the pain Gerard was feeling.

He drove slightly over the speed limit. He needed to get Gerard to the hospital as fast as they could.

"Almost there. Almost there," he comforted his whimpering husband ten minutes later.

"Good." Gerard whispered.


Frank paced around the main lobby of the hospital, his hands conjoined behind his back.

He wasn't allowed to enter the delivery room, and it pissed him off. Surely he should be there to witness the birth of his first born child?

They told him it was due to the emergency C-section they had to give Gerard, since he couldn't deliver naturally.

A few patients were eying Frank. Some with pity, as if they knew the mixed emotions, others with irritation.

He just couldn't stop pacing. It terrified him. Was Gerard going to have problems? Did the baby had problems? He needed to know!

He gripped at his hair, feeling so, so anxious. Finally, at long last, they called for him.

"Iero, Frank?" Frank immediately let go of his hair and jogged after the lady with the clipboard.

"Are they okay? Please tell me they are okay."

The lady gave him a soft smile. "They are both okay. Gerard is still unconscious, but you can see your baby."

"Unconscious?" His thoughts were so muddled. Why was he unconscious?

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