Chapter 11 | There Will Always Be Trust

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"Bandit! Don't forget your lunchbox!" Gerard, with Miles balancing on his hip, gave his nine-year-old daughter her lunch.

The little girl, while giggling, took it and waved bye, the bus pulling up as soon as she closed the main door.

Gerard shook his head and smiled softly, placing Miles in his highchair. The baby started to coo, waving his chubby fists at Gerard. He laughed and waved back by just moving his fingers.

Frank, along with two girls holding each of his hands, came walking in. "Cherry and Lily are a handful." He grunted as they pulled at his fingers again before settling in their seats.

Gerard frowned. "I thought they had school today."

Frank shook his head. "No. It was parent/teacher conference day. I thought there was no point going." He gave his husband a smirk.

Gerard winked. "You bad boy." He laughed and pulled out a small bowl from the cabinet.


Gerard rolled his eyes and placed a container of applesauce on the counter along with the bowl. He took a spoon and started to slowly put the sauce in the bowl, giving it to Miles in the end.

"Girls, we only have cereal, so that's what you get." He smiled again when both girls grumbled.

"No fair! Yucky," whined Cherry, Lily bopping her head in agreement.

"Sorry?" Gerard placed their food in front if them, sweeping his bright, red hair from his face. Despite sounding as if they hated cereal, which was Frosted Flakes, they ate it anyway.

Gerard noticed that the whole time Frank was watching him, his eyes filled with passion and love. He looked over at his husband, who walked over and interlocked their fingers. Gerard felt the cool metal of Frank's wedding ring.

"I love you," whispered Frank, his breath hitting Gerard's neck.

"I love you, too," Gerard breathed back, squeezing his fingers gently. "And nothing will ever change that."

It had been nine years since Gerard finally lost his fear of having a child again. Eight years since Frank told him that he could always trust him with Bandit. Seven since Frank had made his own band. Six since Gerard had a breakdown, thinking that there was no way he was doing a great job at being a parental figure, and that their child was going to grow up to be horrible. Five since he found out he was pregnant with twin girls. Four, buying a bigger house to support and make the family more comfortable. Three, Bandit was in the hospital from a berry lodged in her nose. Two, Cherry and Lily became better at speech. And one, Miles came to the world.

Thinking back at the things that had happened over the years, it made Gerard feel nostalgic, yet sad. He could hardly remember how his very first pregnancy was, and how he could not trust Frank, thinking he would leave him. After he was pregnant again, Frank vowed to be with Gerard through the hard times of the pregnancy, and he was great full of him.

He finally told his mother about his children, and she was ecstatic about it, which Gerard was expecting, especially since the maun issue with Frank. She was always there to help the family when Frank or Gerard were busy, and she loved to spoil them to death.

Mikey was the best uncle a brother could ask for. He was even more protective over their children than their mother. Gerard could see why. Mikey was there for Gerard when he blocked out Frank. He never left him, even when Gerard thought he was.

And how he could've ever thought that Frank would leave him. If he looked back on the years now and knew it would end up like this, he still wouldn't change it. It was perfect how it was, and Frank helped make it better. Even though hie first pregnancy made him scared, he knew now how to fight that scared feeling. He thought about his children, how they're here, alive and happy, and that made his heart burst with so much pride and joy.

No, he wouldn't change the outcome for the world.

Because he knew there would always be trust.

Well, there's the end of the road. It's not the best -or the longest - but I swear I'll try to get better writing as I continue on this amazing journey of Wattpad. (God, I sound like I'm dying or something.)

But I hope you all liked the mpreg, and thought I should write.

I look forward to seeing you all again.

(Now I sound like I'm moving away. Fml)

Bye <3

Trust ~ Frerard MPregWhere stories live. Discover now