Chapter 4 | Peaceful Mind

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A/N: Short chapter today, guys! Well, it's a filler, so I can time skip in the next chapter. Have a good day!


  It's been a month. A month of keeping secrets. A month of stress. A month of whatever else hurt or worried Gerard.

His nausea started to slowly drift away in the morning, thank the lord, but he was soon worried about the growing baby inside of him.

He knew he would start to get bigger, and he didn't know other excuses to make up. Frank knew what a pregnant stomach looked like, he wasn't stupid.

Mikey, to much of Gerard's worry, seemed to be getting annoyed with his elder brother's constant paranoia. Gerard didn't want Mikey to leave him, he wanted him to be there for him.

"Why can't you just trust him? It's not that big of deal." Mikey would constantly tell him, but Gerard would ignore it.

Of course, Mikey doesn't know how much of a big deal it means to Gerard.

This meant everything to him.

As Gerard unfolded the list he took with him to go shopping, he got a text message from Frank. He knew it was him because he set a specific ring tone.

Frank: the band loved me!! They want to see me in another gig!!!

Gerard smiled lightly. He was always aware of Frank's dream to be in a band, even if he always denied that it wasn't a dream anymore.

Gerard: That's great! When is the next one?

Frank: Not sure yet, haven't told me time or date

Gerard: Well, ask them to tell you.

And he left it at that. Maybe he should come to the next gig. He'd have to ask his manager to take a day off.

He pushed his cart to the dairy aisle, taking a 1% milk from the freezer, when he overheard a conversation.

"No, you've already gave me one last week."

"Oh, come on, Ry! You know you loved it!"

Gerard cringed a little at the sultry in the response. He looked over and saw two men. One was rocking the emo fringe, the other looking as if he only had it to cover his forehead.

The man, who's supposedly "Ry," gave the other man a look of deep hatred. He suddenly turned and stormed out of the aisle, the other guy running after him with a carton of milk.

Gerard - and about a dozen other people - stood there for a little while.

"Well, highlight of my day." said he, then carried on with the groceries.


When he carried the plastic bags full of household items and food, he realized that Frank hadn't come to the door and greet him. Not that Gerard was worried, he was just expecting the daily routine.

"Frankie?" He called once he put everything inside. He rounded the corner and saw his husband sprawled on the couch, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes shut.

This is the perfect moment to draw. Gerard thought to himself.

He looked at him from an angle, squinting his eyes gently.

His neck and head were curved, so Gerard could only see half of his face. His jawline jutted out against the light that was beating on him. Little beads of sweat were forming on his forehead, whereas his fringe slid off of his face, lying midair. His right arm, the one smushed against the back of the couch, was resting peacefully on his chest, rising and falling every time he breathed. His other arm dangled off the couch, like the fringe and forehead scenario. His feet were resting on he couch, his knees bent upward.

"Beautiful," Gerard whispered. He walked over and sat beside him, using his spindly fingers to brush his dark hair.

Frank didn't stir, so Gerard slowly climbed up and lied his head on his chest, squishing his husband's hand.

Frank grunted and blinked open his hazel eyes, blearily looking around until his gaze landed on Gerard. The gaze softened, and he closed his eyes again, removing his hand to place it on Gerard's curved back. "Hey, baby." He murmured sleepily.

Gerard smiled and closed his eyes. "Hey." replied he.

Frank stroked his back slowly, sending Gerard into a comfortable silence.

For the first time in almost a week, Gerard felt as if his worries were gone, and that he was enveloped in peaceful bliss.

Not a care in the world.

Trust ~ Frerard MPregWhere stories live. Discover now