Chapter 3 - Dancing with the sirens.

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Date: 2nd of September 2017.

Location: Gotham City 11:00 pm.

Rose left the shared apartment in her Revenger uniform with both her swords strapped to her back along with the berretta on her leg. The night was cold and bitter but that was nothing that couldn't be fixed with some mobility. She had started to make her way to the location Jason had given her when he left that morning.

When she arrived the vigilante was stood against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest showing the well worn brown Jacket that covered his body armour. She could also see two black holsters with two clot MA1911 pistols in each attached to his legs.

"your right on time the target has just entered the building across the street." Jason said pointing to a building that had obviously been broken into with the glass having been scattered across the street below the two of them.

"Three Targets, Id recommend you stay frosty until we find them in there the may be staff." The Vigilante continued now Drawing the weapons that were holstered on his sides. As he took a run up and cleared the gap crashing through the window of the first floor with a noise that ripped through the near silence.

She followed behind him having a much easier landing with the Glass having been disposed of by the prior entrance from the Black sheep of the bat family. Then his voice was in her ear as her com sparked into life. "The targets are as follows, Poison Ivory aka Pamela Islay, Cat Women aka Selina Kyle And Harley Quinn. There to be captured alive if possible the bat wants info there no good to us dead, no matter how much they deserve it" The Red Hood Barked down the Com unit.

she watched him start going a different path through the store. Rose took the stairs down through the dark shop heading to the ground floor were as Jason opened a vent in the elevator shaft and disappeared. She guessed his tactic was to allow her to get the attention of the three criminals will he set up an ambush. Pretty standard for the bats but it still doesn't stop that knee jerk reaction from the shock of an ambush kicking in every time. That's the thing about fight and flight it's a wonderful thing it can give you the courage to fight and can be easily manipulated to weaken other's making impossible odds little more than a warm up.

As she started so see movement bellow she drew her side arm aiming down the sight tracking the three shadows with Both her eyes and tracing them with the fire arm as she clicked the safety off.

From what Rose understood the most dangerous of her three targets was Poison Ivory. She had toxin running through her veins that could kill or control her subject with just a drop of blood or other bodily fluids. The most common of which was her saliva. But in a combat situation that was the last of her worries. The fact doctor Islay has control over plant life with the ability to weaponize them to deadly effect was much more troubling.

Harley and Cat women however were skilled combatants but not to a level where she would consider them a viable threat. Along with Jason being present with the skills Red Hood has would make it near impossible for the two other women to cause any major injuries. So when Rose watched the three women walking out of the dark she wouldn't be lying if she said she wasn't in the slightest Intimidated.

"Well lookie here I think lady death stroke's gotten herself lost" the voice was childish and shrill the las thing rose expected from a psychopath like Harley. If she was totally truthful she was irritated already.

"You clown's supposed to be scary, Beast boy is more intimidating then you" Rose said trying not to chuckle pointing the gun at Harleys head on instinct.

Harley produced a baseball bat with colourful art work plastered all over it. Cat women quickly followed suit taking out what looked to be a wipe.

"you know Harl I don't like her attitude, I'm going to turn that berretta into a plant pot" Rose snapped to Ivory who was now the closest of the three.

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