Chapter 6 - The man with the Marks.

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Chapter 6 – The man with the Marks.

Date: 13th of September 2017.

Location: The Bat Cave 12 hundred feet below Wayne Manor.

Jason Headed down the steps from the Elevator towards the Bat Computer were batman's new Robin was sat. Tim Drake was the Kids name. According to Talia he had Joined Bruce's War on crime just three months after Jason's death. So it wasn't really the Kids fault that Jason had Issues with him but that couldn't take away some of the bitterness that Bruce had Just replaced him so quickly after all those years. I mean Jason was sure if things were different he would quite like the Kid.

It was strange walking along the steel steps seeing the sights and sounds of the Bat Cave again.

The Last Time Jason was down here he had every intention of killing every one of its occupants with the guns that were at his side and he wouldn't have stopped. Standing over a critically wounded Batman with blood spilling from the bullet and knife wounds scattered throughout his body. The Pretender and Nightwing all in similar condition unctuous around them if it wasn't for the heart felt please of an old butler. Alfred Penny worth, It's no secret Bruce would never have lasted a week as Batman without him but that Night he really did save Bruce's life. I mean If those words had have come from anyone else they would have been empty and meaning less. But not Alfred Jason told himself. Alfred for him anyway was always more of a father figure then Batman or Jason's biological Father ever could be and it was Alfred that brought him back from his wrath and uncontrollable want for vengeance but not even Alfred could save him from the shame that he now felt. Jason looked past Tim for a moment and started looking at the cold hard Rock of the cave with the water full flowing through and under the platform holding the Batwing and other vehicles used by the batman and the rest of the team.

Finally Jason walked over to the Boy wonder with his Combat Boots thumping against the Metal flooring beneath them.

"you wanted to see me Tim." Jason said bluntly crossing his arms behind the boy in his equipment. Tim spun around in his chair and tapping his figures together looking at the vigilante. "I got a location on victor zsasz." He then turned round and faced the screen of the Bat computer again. He pointed at the screen as he pulled up a map.

"His moving along the east side near crime alley, I sent the Outlaws a head of you there tracking him. I have set up the Batwings auto pilot to home in on there reported position." Tim then pointed at the Jet that he brought up onto the pad. "Good hunting Hood." Tim ended off. The Kid is pretty to the point good I haven't got time for small talk I need to find Zsasz and put him down before he can hurt his next Victim.

Jason headed quickly over to the Batwing with out saying another word to the new Robin sat at the computer. The butler entered from the elevator into the room that the two robins was in.

The Ramp of the jet shut behind him as he boarded the black aircraft. He sat down and listened to the engines raw into life as the Batwing took of from the pad in the cave.

As the batwing left the manner in its wake and headed towards the tracker on his two team members.

The Batwing started hovering over the target and the ramp came down as quickly as the Jet changed its trajectory. Jason took out his grappling hook and dived from the ramp letting the night air wipe past his Jacket and his face as he sped towards the ground. As he got with in a few feet of the ground he used his Grapple to pull himself up to the roof were arsenal was waiting for him.

"He inside?" Red Hood said pointing to the entrance to the building clicking a button at the base of his helmet activating his voice changer. Arsenal nodded taking his bow from his back and pulling his hood down once more as his partner removed two handguns from the holsters at his legs. "So how you want a do this the Easy way or the fun way?" Arsenal asked smiling beneath his hood.

They both stacked up by the door waiting to boot it down in pursuit of their target.

"Whatever way doesn't get us both killed" Jason said his voice changer adding a Horrific edge to his words. If Roy was truthful however he never understood why his friend used the voice changer. Roy always found Jason's natural voice to be more horrifying. His rough Gotham Accent that he had acquired from growing up in crime ally combined with the sadistic nature of some of the stuff coming out of his mouth was enough to frighten the best of people, even Kori who didn't fully understand human society found it hard to see how Jason's behaviour alone wasn't enough to scar most criminals, and that was coming from an alien that could fly and shoot energy beams.

"Fun way then mate" with that the Archer let out a sharp Whistle. Then suddenly the third member of the outlaws Shot in to view flying high above the city sky scrapers leaving a trail of light from her flaming locks. Starfire stopped at the edge of the roof top hovering above the city a hundred meters or low bellow her. She raised her hands letting out a powerful blast of energy sending the door and the frame around it flying into the derelict room that had once been a fairly smart middle class apartment.

After the explosive entrance Red Hood guessed he had about 60 seconds or so before Zsasz Recovered from the shock of having half his hiding place being wracked by a Tameranian and if the was one thing Jason know for sure it was this. You never forget the first time you see a Pissed of Tamarin up-close especially in Kori's case with her "alterations" as she put it. Red Hood and arsenal entered the room quickly. It was clear minus Zsasz face down on the floor slowly trying to get back up with his Knife still firmly in his clutches. Suddenly an Arrow flew through the room ripping its way through the mad man's hand creating an increasingly bigger pool of blood on the floor as their target took yet more seconds to overcome the pain that had been freshly inflicted by the Crimson archer. The Red Hood crossed the room in seconds with calculated and meaning full strides. By the time Jason had reached Zsasz the man had switched the weapon to his other had and was readying himself to take a strike at the nearing Bat family member. "Victor Zsasz, Mind if we have a little chat, here let me make you feel more comfortable." The Hood said sarcastically. Now seeming ready for a fight. As soon as Zsasz saw an opening he aimed a strike right in-between The hoods helmet and chest plate. Arsenal watched on as The hood Grabbed his attackers wrist with the reflex of a cobra and turning it to force the man to drop the blade. He then took the man by the throat and throw him over a desk and into the wall on the other side of the room. The sound he made when he impacted into the brick wall was a blood curdling crack as bone collided with an unmovable object.

It was then Arsenal noticed all the tally marks carved into the man's Flesh. All though to most people this sight might have been unnerving or frightening to the former Green Arrow side kick it was one of the more normal things he had ever had to deal with. "You know how many women you killed Zsasz" The hood aske coldly as he got stood over the serial killer. Zsasz looked at the masked vigilante for a moment before replying. "Oh you mean the zombies I liberated from the daily grind and the cold cogs of society." he said softly in a calm dangerous tone trying to stand again.

As Zsasz tried to stand the hood rapidly stroke the man with a head but making the man's noise bleed from the force of the helmet colliding with his face. Zsasz slid back down the wall clutching his noise. "No more liberations Victor you've killed far too many already, this ends now." Red hood took out his gun and placed it against the man's head firing three shots turning the man's head into a bloody stump that was barely recognizable. Then without another word he put his gun back in his holster and headed back to the entrance way in silence.

"Well that's one more member of batman's rouges no one will miss." Roy said following his friend taking his hood down and placing his bow back over his shoulder.

"It's still not enough Roy it won't be. Not until there all stopped for good and you and me know that batman won't do that." Jason said putting his hands in his jacket pockets letting out a heavy sigh.

"You want to take the rest of the night off go for a few drinks among a few friends you know take a load off, you been working overtime chasing this guy down" Roy said putting his hand on his friends shoulder. Jason stopped and looked at the hand on his shoulder before looking the archer in the eye. "Alright you win, I'll call Rose see if she wants to join us."

With that Jason called the batwing back over and the three friends stepped inside and headed back to the batcave.           

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