Chapter 7 - Drinking Games.

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Chapter 7 – Drinking Games.

Date: 13th of September 2017.

Location: Jackal and Hyde Pub Gotham city.


Hay everyone this is just supposed to be a chapter of them just being normal friends and kind of explore some off beat notes in there history. Also if there are any Grammar or spelling issues Just point them out  It was late when I wrote this my brain wasn't 100% 

Rose walked in to the pub Jason had told her to meet him and the outlaws. The pub was called the Jackal and Hyde witch was an interesting name for a Gotham pub to say the least. The place was rough around the edges with hard wood floors and a few pool tables. It also had a darts board with an old oak bar as well as a few stools and tables around the room. It was the last kind of place she expected to find the adopted sons of billionaires and an alien princess, then again knowing Jason that was probably the point.

She had changed into jeans and her Jacket. She still had her work shirt on that falconine requested she had on will she did her door work. It wasn't so bad working for falconine. The man had brought her a few suits to wear at work and the hours were flexible enough to work around her other tasks. However she was starting to take issue with some of the ways he did things. If Slade had haired her say that he would have accused her of going soft but that wasn't the case as Jason put it when she brought it up. "I would hardly call making your own view of the world instead of blindly following some one else's going soft, It's not easy to re-evaluating the way you do everything.

Speaking of the devil she looked over to see him and Roy playing a game of darts by the bar. Not too far from that Kori was sat in a hoodie and jeans on a bar stool in corner the only reason she noticed the Tameranian was because she still had her purple arm Guards and boots on and only one person in the whole bar had orange skin. What was strange is that both Roy and Kori from a distance anyway seemed to behave totally different from the way they were with the Titans. They seemed less stuffy and uptight about rules. I mean her was Kori one of the people that always gave her lectures about the use of lethal force just sitting here in a pub full of killers and not even bating an eye lid.

She started to walk over to them but then she heard a rough cough. She turned to see and old man in a biker Jacket and a beard stood behind the bar pointing right at her. "Listen you Wilson Todd's one of the regulars you don't just get to walk in here and start something, after all I'm still cleaning up the blood and mess in the back room after the last time your old man had a go at him in here." Rose was surprised to say the least I mean she knew the Hood and death stroke had a sort or Rivalry but was that still going on. Then one of the places bouncers walked over to her. He was about to grab her arm but a dart flew towards his hand making him step back as it hit the wood flaw.

Then the bouncer looked up to see Jason Todd glaring at him with his arms crossed. "The a problem here Russ" Jason asked looking over at the bar man who razed an eye brow drawing attention to a scar down the left side of his face. "Hay sorry Hood we didn't know Miss Wilson was with you, what you both having?" Jason walked over to the bar leaning on it with one arm. "Same again for me Harper and Kori." Jason said taping a little beat into the wood of the bar. Rose walked over and stood next to him "I'll have whatever Jay's having." she said rubbing the back of her neck for a moment. A few minutes later Jay and Rose carried the drinks back over to the other two who were now sitting in their normal chairs.

Jay chucked off his jacket and sat opposite Kori, Rose sat in the only remaining seat opposite the archer who was now wearing a stupide trucker hat and check jacket with blue Jeans. "What's the matter?" he asked it was obvious Rose had been studying his casual wear a bit too closely. "The hat looks stupide" Rose said bluntly to witch Jason chuckled flicking the cap off of his beer and offering the other two to Rose and Roy. Kori how ever had a glass of wine in her hand?

"So friend Rose how has your day been" starfire asked her with a sunny disposition. Rose looked at the others for a second they were all pretty relaxed she could of swore she saw the hint of a small grin on Todd's lips, Which was strange all the time she had known him he had kept a blank or smug expression. He never really had a happy expression or showed any sign of happiness other than the odd false smile he shot her or others when they looked at him with concern or asked if something was getting at him but then again maybe it takes one to know one.

She looked back at Kori and took a swig of her drink before answering. "Haven't done much slept most the day, Worked all day and all night yesterday Jay woke me when he called and asked if I wanted to join the three of you" Rose explained placing her drink back on the table. Roy then let out a small chuckle. "What is it harper?" Jay asked with frustration clear in his voice. "I got an idea we ask some questions that are yes and no and if its yes we take a drink." Jay's face sank

"You really think that's a good Idea Roy" Kori asked looking at her friend with her arms crossed. "ye, why the hell not I mean Jays the only one here who knows Rose even then It could be fun "

Rose tilted her head to one side "Wait so this is like never have I ever right." rose asked

"Ye you cool with this." Roy asked leaning back on the bench.

"Alright how about Kori goes first." Jason looked at her about ready to protest but stopped short and rested his hand on his chin. "Alright let's get this over with" Jason complained with a heavy sigh.

Kori sat there for a second thinking "Ok I got one, Never have I ever been arrested" she said with an evil look in her eye as she looked at Jason. After that Jason and Rose both took a swig of their drinks. "Ok I know how Jay bird got arrested but I want to know what happened with you" Roy commented. Rose Rolled her eyes and started to explain. "It was will I was in Chicago I saw this Cop picking on a kid that didn't do anything and well you can guess what happened next." Jason laughed sharply "you lamped a cop for picking on a kid and that's what you got arrested for after all the things Slade made you do."

"Alright then my question then" Rose said glaring at Todd who was still laughing his ass off from the previous comment. "She he sat there thinking for a moment. "Hang on wait I want to know how you Got arrested Jason." Rose said curiously looking at her friend.

Roy's hand collided with his face "arr Christ here we go again, you want him to go in date order or alphabetical order of offenses?" Roy asked jokingly lightly elbowing Kori likely for bringing up the subject in the first place.

"Well the first Time I got arrested I was 10 and it was for shop lifting, My mom made herself ill from some cheap drug and I needed to steal some medication for her to get her through it but I got caught and I was arrested another three times before Bruce took me in when I was 14 years old." Jason said bluntly quickly following up with a request to change the subject.

"Right on that note next Question" Roy said quickly noting the change in his friend's voice and deciding not to dwell on the subject.

"I'll ask one" Jason cut his friend off. Rose could see the cogs turning in his brain behind the dead green eyes as he sat there for a moment. Then Rose saw an evil look in his eye that made the Tameranians look childish in compresence.

"Never have I ever slept with someone to make another person jealous." He said casually looking straight at Starfire. She instantly went as red as one of Jason's helmets and from the looks of things was about to dive over the table and rip his head off. Then out of nowhere Harper started laughing his head off uncontrollably. Then they could see why.

Rose was holding her drink in her and having taken a big gulp from the bottle. Jason's eyes wide and Kori's almost popped out of her skull. "You know I was just fucking with Kori right that wasn't a real question." Jason said looking his newest friend up and down for a second. "What he was a wanker I'm not ashamed to admit it" Rose answered bluntly putting the drink down witch made them all laugh for a few moments.

"You know what I'll have to thank the Pretender for sending you here I don't think I have laughed this much in years" Jason said drying his eyes. Then rose thought for a moment. Did she just make Red hood the coldest son of a bitch in her life other than Death stroke laugh so hard he cried? After all it wasn't in her nature to be funny.   

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