Chapter Seven

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Alice's POV

"I better get going. I have work tomorrow. Bye Grace and everyone else. Jace are you coming home tonight?" I ask silently hoping he wasn't.

"No. I'm going to stay here. Mom said that she would take Cass. So you have the house yourself." I nodded and left the room pulling out my phone and dialing the number, hoping that he would answer.

"Hello? Alice is that you?" Clark O'mally asked.

"Yeah. Hey I have the house to myself tonight. Want to come over?" I ask smiling because I already knew his answer.

"I'm on my way. Ten minutes. I'm leaving right now. Hey I see you. I'm almost right behind you. Will you stop walking?" Clark asked as I stopped and turned to face him. I hung up the phone. "Hey. Why did you hang up?" He asked as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Because I need a ride home." I said wrapping my arm around his waist as he draped his arm around my shoulders. As we walked towards his 67' Chevy Impala I asked, "I thought it was my weekend to come to your place?"

"It was. But I was worried about my patient. I had no idea that you knew her." Clark said opening the passenger door for me.

"I've been trying to track Grace down for years. You could've told me that you had a patient named Grace Pendley." I say as he starts up the car.

"Her name isn't Pendley it's Dockery. That's why I never knew who you were talking about." Clark replied looking over at me with a smile.

"She took her mother's maiden name. I never even thought of that. No wonder I couldn't track her down." I said as we pulled to a stop in front of Jason's house.

As we walked towards the door I fished out the key. Then unlocked the door. I motioned him in first and I followed him. I closed the door and in the next second he had me pressed against the wall kissing me.

There was a knock on the door and after a second Clark stepped back and I answered the door. "Dad!" I said shocked as I threw my arms around him. "I thought you were in Spain for an assignment." I say pulling back.

"I was. Then I got the feeling that something was wrong. Where is Jason and your mother?" Dad asked frantically.

"They're at the hospital with Grace and her parents." I replied trying to calm him down.

"But it felt as if you were in pain. So what's going on?" Dad asked looking me up and down.

"It was Jason. Grace died for a minute. Jason just about lost it. But everything's okay now." I answer reaching out and laying a hand on his arm.

"I'm going to go to the hospital. Then I'll stay with your mother wherever she's staying." Dad said smiling softly.

"Okay. I love you Dad." I reply giving him a hug and kissing his cheek.

"Love you too Pumpkin. I hope Jason didn't do anything he is going to regret." Dad said as he turned and left closing the door behind him. I locked it and turned around to see that Clark had left the room.

I walked down the hall and he was sitting shirtless on my bed. I stepped in, closed the door and went to sit on his lap.

"I love you Alice. I want you to marry me. I want my future to be with you. Marry me?" Clark asks reaching up and cupping my face. I leaned down and kissed him.

"Yes. Yes I'll marry you. But there is something that I have to tell you." I said looking across the room. I felt him tense under me and I knew he was jumping to conclusions.

"What is it?" He asked his voice holding steel.

"I'm three weeks pregnant with your baby. I was going to tell you this morning when I saw you but things-" I said getting cut off as he pressed his lips to mine and he relaxed.

"I am so happy! This is perfect! Have you told anybody else?" He asked as I shook my head no his grin grew three times wider.

I smiled back at him as my future began to settle into place.

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