Chapter Eight

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Grace's POV One Month Later

Tomorrow is my wedding day. Dr. O'mally has finally cured my cancer. And I have a secret. "Grace! Are you in here!?" Alice screamed as she walked into my room.

I stood and embraced her in a hug. "I have something to tell you!" Alice screamed excitedly as she pulled back and sat on the bed.

"I have something to tell you to but you go first." I said sitting down next to her.

"I'm seven weeks pregnant! I found out last month!" Alice screamed as I reached over and hugged her. "So what do you need to tell me?" She asked pulling away from the hug.

"I found out yesterday that I'm three weeks pregnant. Only you and Clark know. I wouldn't have told Clark but he's the one that told me. I'm going to tell Jason tonight so don't tell anybody." I said knowing that I probably looked super stupid with my big smile.

Alice reached over and pulled me into a hug and smiled at me. "I would like to keep my pregnancy secret to. Well you can tell Jason since my fiance knows about you. But nobody else." Alice said as I pulled away from her.

"You have my promise." I swore as Jason walked into the room carrying a crying Cassidy.

"I think I need help. She won't stop crying. What kind of promise?" Jason asked as I took Cassidy from him.

"Well that's my cue to go. Bye Grace. Jason. Oh and I promise too." Alice said with a smirk as she walked out of the room.

"Hello sweetheart. Shh. It's okay, what did daddy do?" I ask looking down at my precious little baby.

"He ran to fast during tag." Cassidy whined and I couldn't hold it back I started laughing as they stared at me like I was crazy. But after a second or two they joined in.

-A couple hours later-

While I was fixing dinner, Jason was packing for his overnight stay at Clark's and I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell Jason about our newest addition to our family.

"Thinking about me?" Jason asked from right behind me giving me chills as I felt his breath on my neck. He started laughing at me because he scared me. "I love you so much. You are going to be such a good mother." He said still laughing at me.

I put on a serious face and looked up at him. "Jason there is something I need to tell you." I said as he sobered almost instantly and his laughing mood flew out the window.

"What is it?" He asked with a worried frown on his face. I felt my lips twitch at the corners as I took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant." I said full on smiling as he stared down at me with wide eyes. I watched as he started to smile. Then without warning he pulled me into a hug and spun us in circles.

"Really?" He asked with a huge smile. I smiled back and nodded as he claimed my lips with his. Just as I parted my lips the fire alarm went off. I jumped away from him and pulled the skillet off the stove.

I heard laughter behind me and I turned picking up a dish towel. "What's so funny?" I ask with a smirk.

He smiled and pointed at me. "I think it's time for you to go now." I said and he started to laugh.

"Yeah I guess so. Maybe you won't be so distracted and burn up your supper." He said still laughing as I smacked him with the towel. He put his hands up in surrender and backed away still laughing. I heard the door close and I let it go.

I laughed till there were tears rolling down my face. "Mommy what's for dinner?" Cassidy suddenly asked as I looked up at her.

"How about you decide, sweetheart. Mommy burned the spaghetti. Daddy already left so we can have a girls night how about that?" I asked with a smile as she ran to me.

I caught her in a hug and kissed her cheeks. "Can we order Garcia's?" Cassidy asked looking at me with wide pleading eyes.

"Anything you want." I said and she started clapping her hands. I called the restaurant and ordered our food. Twenty minutes later as Cassidy was picking out what movies she wanted to watch the door bell rang.

I paid for the food and sat it in the living room. "We get to eat in the living room  tonight?" Cassidy asked happily walking into the room.

"Yeah. So Cass did you pick out what movies you would like to watch?" I asked patting the seat next to me for her to sit. She handed me three movies. I looked at the titles and smiled. "So we are having a Lion King marathon?" I asked with a smile as she nodded and started eating.

I got up and started the movies. Then I sat next to her. We ate in silence and watched the movie. I'd be lying if I said she was the only one that cried when his dad died.

"Mommy. I have a question." Cassidy spoke up as I was painting her toenails bright pink. I looked up at her frowning slightly at her serious face.

"What is it Cass?" I asked closing the nail polish. She looked down at the ground and I knew something was wrong when I heard a little sniffle. "Cass sweetie what's wrong?" I asked pulling her into a hug.

"Charlie said that a family has to have more than one child. I'm an only child does that mean we aren't a family?" Cassidy asked as a big tear rolled down her cheek.

"Honey we are a family. You don't have to have multiple children to be a family. That's up to God." I said and she looked up at me.

"Mommy I love you." Cassidy said laying her head on my chest.

"I love you too Cass." I said with a smile. "Cass how would you feel about being an older sister?" I asked holding my breath as I waited for her answer.

"That would be nice mommy. Then I could boss them around." Cassidy said dozing off. I smiled down at her as I slowly stood and started towards her bedroom. I tucked her in and started towards my room. I quickly changed clothes missing Jason's stupid remarks that he always makes when I'm changing for bed.

I climbed under the warm covers and closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. I tossed and turned for about an hour before I sighed and grabbed my phone. Just as I was about to call Jason it rang and Jason's name passed across the screen.

I smiled letting it ring a couple of times before answering with, "Hey Jay, could you not sleep?"

He chuckled lightly and I heard some shuffling on the other end. "Well you couldn't either seeing how you answered the phone. I just wanted to call and tell you I love you." Jason said with another chuckle.

"I love you too. I can't wait for tomorrow." I said smiling thinking of when I would become Mrs. Jason Holden.

"Me neither." Jason said as there was a big bang from his end of the phone. "Alice!" Jason shouted his voice muffled.

"Grace. Jason has to go. Good-bye. And good-night." Alice said before hanging up. I chuckled and cuddles into the blankets before falling into a deep dreamless sleep.

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