Chapter Ten

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"Alice do you know where he might have gone? Any place he went to think? Anywhere really." I asked as we were driving down Main Street.

"No. He liked to drive down the back roads to clear his mind but he would never risk it at night." Alice said as Cassidy snored in the back seat.

"Are you sure? You said he was pretty upset. He had to have a lot on his mind." I said trying to double check.

"The waterfall! That's where he always went. Get on Elm then turn on Potter Drive." Alice said and I followed her directions as I reached over and grasped her hand.

"We will find him. And you two can talk okay? I know he loves you more than anything else in this world. And you can't just walk away from that type of love. Trust me I would know." I said with a slight smile.

"It only took you three years to come back though." Alice said wiping the years from her eyes.

"Hey my story was different I didn't know how Jason would take it. But even if it takes him one day, one month, or one year, you two will be together. Believe me. Hey is that his car?" I asked starting to panic.

"Stop the car!" Alice screamed and I stomped on the brake then put it in park before jumping out of my side of the car.

"Alice hang on!" I screamed as she ran to the car. The car was laying on the drivers side. I ran to her side as she started to climb up the side to look in. "No!" I screamed as I raced over there. But I was to Kate the car toppled over on top of her as she let out a scream.

I reached he side of the car and looked through the windows I could see Clark hanging upside down due to his seatbelt. "Alice can you hear me?" I ask leaning down on the muddy ground ignoring the fact that I was in my wedding dress that took me three weeks to make.

"Help." She whispered quietly almost to the point that I couldn't hear her. I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

"Alice sweetie I have to get Clark out of the car first okay? Then I'm going to get you out. I promise you will be okay." I said and she whimpered in response. I ran across to the other side reaching up to unbuckle Clark.

I finally found the button and pressed it. I wasn't ready to catch him and he landed on his head. I quickly but carefully dragged him out of the car. "Clark! Clark!" I screamed his name once I got him laying flat on his back.

I felt for a pulse and gave a sigh of relief when I found a steady beat. "Alice. Clark should be fine I got to get you out now. This might hurt." I said wiping my face with a now bloody hand.

"Hurry." Alice replied weakly and I was surprised that she was still conscious. There was no way to pick the car up. Not anything that was possible anyways. My only options were to wait for help to get here or lift the car itself.

The first option flew out the window when I realized that my phone was still on my bedside table. "Fuck!" I screamed and I heard my car door open. I turned to see Cassidy trying to get out.

"No! Cassidy get back in the car. Please and close the door." I called out and she nodded closing the door. "Alice. I can't call for help. What do I do?" I asked and she didn't respond. 

I settled for the impossible. I reached under the windows and slowly started to lift the heavy car. I managed to get it up high enough that I could place my back under it and hold it up. "Alice if you ever loved me please move out from under here." I begged grunting at the weight that kept being added as I slowly got weaker.

Alice didn't move so I used my right foot to slowly kick her legs out from under the car. I heard a gasp from my right and I turned to see Clark sitting up and staring at me. "Don't just stare. Get your ass over here and help." I said as the car began to slip.

"I can't. I can't move my legs." Clark said and I could see that he was about to pass out again. There was only one thing left to do and it could cost both me and Alice our lives.

"I'm sorry." I said looking up and meeting Clark's eyes. Before he could say anything I lunged for Alice. I grabbed her waist and rolled us both out of the way as the car crashes back into the ground.

I could hear Clark screaming and Cassidy crying but I couldn't focus on either of them as I stared at Alice's white leggings that were now red with blood. I heard sirens coming closer and I could see a car speeding towards us. The car screeched to a stop before Jason clad in a black tuxedo jumped out and ran for me.

"Help her." I whispered laying back on the ground. I turned my head to watch as Clark slowly dragged himself towards us. Clark took one look at her and his face paled. "What is it?" I asked not liking the look on his face.

"She's having a miscarriage. Jason please tell me you got your phone." Clark said weakly barely hanging onto his own consciousness.

"The ambulance is on its way already. Grace are you okay?" Jason asked as the sirens got closer.

"I'm good." I answered looking him in the eyes. "Alice. You are going to be okay. Clark's okay. Don't worry about us. Worry about winning this fight." I said reaching over and grasping her hand. I felt a slight squeeze and felt hope spark in my heart.

The ambulances pulled up and Alice was rushed into one as Clark was sent into the other. They tried to take me but I just shook my head and Jason helped me up.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Jason asked as he helped me into my car.

"I'm fine take me to the hospital. I call and cancel our wedding." I said holding out my hand for him to put his phone in. I could see my hand visibly shaking.

"Mama is Aunt Alice going to be okay?" Cassidy asked from the back seat.

"I hope so Cass. I hope so." I replied wiping my eyes again.

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