Intro/Chapter 1?

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OK,so bassicaally this is a continuation of Mafia!Sans x reader.
ITS pure cringe but read it if  you like.This story was also A request from someone (Ill credit you when I find u :3) Anyway,the grammer will NOT i repeat, will NOT be perfect!!! Especially with autocorrect so please dont hate me ;-;.Besides thai,i Konow undertall is old but ITS not like anyone will read my Stories now why the hell not?

Edit:Found it! This story was requested by  

Author-Fry p.o.v
You wake up feeling drowsy.You lay for A while longer with your eyes closed until your bored.As you slowly open your eats,you look around and find That you are in an empty void."Where the hell am i?!" You screech as you Get up.You look for a way out and start getting tired. You lay down and decide to sleep a little.That is until you feel your head."AHHHH!" You screamed.You felt two ears on your head and it appeared to be cat ears.Startled you look behind you to find A tail."WHAT THE HELL!?" You were confused and began to fidget.After A while you decided to calm down and finale sleep for a while,since there is nothing else to do.


SOmE oNe ThErE?

Guts im so sort,thats all i gave for now please forgive me!! IM not A Greta writers but i watt to be :/
Anyway,have A Greta dag my little fries and doritos!!!

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