Chapter 9

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Have a thanksgiving special :>>>>>
I'm going to continue my works jesus. I just need to finish a bit more of my animations,art,voice acting etc. I'll try to update Saturday's capitché? I know you like my works,sorry for being gone for so long. 💞

(Y/n) p.o.v

You were sitting in 'your room' still thinking about earlier. 'How could it not be real? How could I not remember Ink saving me?' You questioned. It was a horrible feeling,you didn't feel right. Something was wrong. 'Have you really gotten Stockholm syndrome?'. Your thoughts stopped when you heard a knock at your door. "Hey (y/n) can I come in? I made you breakfast!" Ink said. You panicked a bit,you didn't really want to see him now. "Not now,I'm kinda in the middle of something. Can I eat it later?" You replied,still hesitant. "But your food is going to get cold!" Ink said. "It's fine! We have a microwave anyway right?" You replied again.You were hungry,but you don't know if he put something in your food or not. "Oh... ok" Ink replied starting to leave.

Author p.o.v

You sighed in relief,you didn't expect that to work. You look over to see a fridge. A mini one at that,it seems to be full maybe... You open the door hoping to see pancakes. You sat there in awe,the mini fridge was like an infinite buffet. Like a walk in closet to pick whichever food you'd want. You look around before stepping in,you wouldn't want someone to see your new hiding place.

You walk in and see and unlimited supply. Mostly? It could last you a month or 2. You grab some pancakes and see a box open after,where you took the pancakes from. It suddenly restocks itself from seemingly no where. You take out a drink from the other side, you look inside the box to see nothing but pitch black. That is before it restocks with (f/d). You look around and theres a chair there,with a table. A small cozy corner with a bathroom across from it. 'This is the life' you say to yourself.


After you're done looking around and eating your food,you go back out as to not cause suspicion. You still need to find a way back to Error  of course. You look to see a window,you poke your head out,no restraints it seems. It's completely un-guarded. You look around to fund more things.

It seems you need to take in your resources before doing anything. A few days wouldn't hurt right?


Error wakes up,feeling the bed. feels like a concrete floor. He opens his eyes in a flash,onky to look at a cell he's locked up in. It seems familiar.....
He sees someone gaurding the door,it's....




Thought I'd leaveyou on a cliffhanger again? Nope!





"W-wHaT the HeCk??" He shouted. "F-fResH???" He asked. "The one and only big bro!" He replied. (I love making them bro's ok??"

"ArE yOu hErE tO hElP tHeSe *FRESHBRO'S* " he said. "HuH? NoT tHiS aGaIn FrEsH!" He shouted. "*FRESH*  dangit. *FUNKY*  UGH. *FLOW* " Error took a deep breath. "Ya done now broski?" Fresh asked,looking a bit uncomfortable. "YeAh....aRe you gOing tO aNsWer mY quEsTion?"

Fresh handed him a peice of paper. "I know ur a coder bruh,don't know if ya know this tho. Haha,alright broski ta answer ya question yeah. I'm with em'" he said.
Error igbored him,reading him the letter. It's was a coded message. ".-.. .. ... - . -. / -... .-. --- ... -.- .. --..-- .. .----. -- / .... . .-. . / - --- / -... .-. . .- -.- / -.-- .- / --- ..- - .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.-- / -. --- - / .-.. .. -.- . / -- . / -... ..- - / .-- . .-. . / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / -... .-. --- - .... .- ... .-.-.- / .--- ..- ... - / .- -.-. - / .-.. .. -.- . / .. .----. -- / .- --. .- .. -. ... - / -.-- .- / -.- ..--.."
Error smiled, "hAhA I hAtE ya" he said. "So do I broski"


It's been 3 or more days. Fresh and Error have been talking to eachother,quietly about their plan before shutting up. Nightmare walked in.
"Well if it isn't Error" he cackled. "YeAh wHaT oF iT? wHy aM i hErE aNd wHeRe iS (y/N)?" Error glared at nightmare. "You are here for my amusement,I'm getting a pretty good deal out of this. All I can say is that your girlfriend is not alone" he replied with his usual unsettling grin. "You'll see us at the throne room in an hour..." Nightmare left,not before leaving Error with some scars.
Fresh looked at Error with a worried face,"you ok broski?". Error just sat there glaring at the wall and taking deep breaths. "No,we're doing this and were doing it now..." Fresh was taken back but he agreed.




It has been a little over and hour and Error was taken to the throne room. Error pretended to be restrained by Fresh. "Well Error,I think it's time to end this don't you?" He said. Error glared at him. "All you have to do is make your girlfriend beleive it was a dream and you'll both be fine" Error growled. "I wOuLd'Nt! OvEr my dEaD bOdY!" He replied,filling up with anger as he began to glitch.


"NoW" he shouted

Fresh summoned an army of purple furbies. They attack the team. Error held them by the string,and so the fight began...

Error dtrangled the foes,concentrating his magic to make them into puppets. He successfully turned the team into one. Nightmare was a tough one,he couldn't do it. So he gave Fresh a look and teleported them both out of there.

Error was tired,taking deep breaths before looking over to Fresh. "Y-yOu ok?" He asked. Fresh shrugged with a smile,"Couldn't be betta' bro" Error grinned before it turned into a frown.

"We have to get the others...."

~ ~ ~

You've been in Ink's home for a while. You didn't come out of your room as much,you still didn't believe him. You would draw sometimes,it was really only you and Error. Ink started getting frustrated,how would you fall in love with him? You don't go out of your room,you won't eat his love potion filled cooking,in fact he hasn't seen you eat once! You wouldn't even talk to him that much! He is running out of ideas! He took a deep breath,he needed to calm down. He left the house once again to do his work,leaving you alone in the house.

You were pretty satisfied,Ink thinks you haven't been eating at all. You thanked him for the mini fridge but he thinks it's an empty one. Apperently he found it somewhere and just kept it in 'your room'. You made a plan to escape. You already started part one. Plus you can make a portal home,but there is a forcfield stopping you from doing so. You can't change into a wolf either. You estimat that the forcfield ends in about 45 feet from the house. You tested it out by throwing something to there,it seems to alert Ink sans. Therefore it's his magic,what you need to do is hope you don't forget how to make a portal because you need to do it fast. You notice Ink left so now,it's time to execute your plan. Everything is packed,at least everything you need/already had.

"Let's/dO tH/is"

Word c - 1202

Yeah. I'm back. You happy?? Sorry,I sound angry but no. Im just a little annoyed,ANYWAY.
Yeah chapter 10 is coming soon.
These chapters come from the top of my head,they may not be perfect but I like to go with the flow.
No it won't take that long. Unless you want to wait till December 15 haha. Jk jk.
Stay tuned for the last chapter

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