Chapter 8

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Author p.o.v

That person is Ink!Sans and Nightmare.
Apperently so,they have joined forces since Ink has taken a liking to you since you first met. Why nightmare tho? Because hes amused at seeing Ink be evil while he gets something in exchange~.

You were still asleep,Error woke up and left a note says that he was leaving for a while. He went of to destroy a couple of aus while you stayed alone with a blanket.

Ink and Nightmare stared,you started to stir in your sleep.
Making sure no one would be around or Error wouldn't be back yet,Ink rushed to you and gave Nightmare a signal to leave.
Nightmare obliged as he left and Ink picked you up and carried you bridal style while he made a portal to HIS home.

~ Time skip -

You were waking up slowly to the smell of bacon (AND COLA- ok I'll stop uwu;;;) *ahem* the smell of bacon awoke you as you sit up. A blanket over you as you seemed to be on a couch.
"W-wha?? Where am I?" You ask out loud. "OH! Your awake!" He says in a happy tone. "You've been asleep for a while after I saved you from Error in the anti-void." He continues,lying straight through his teeth. Of course you didnt know that but you were kinda shocked.

"W-what? But Error kissed me and we were going to bed and-!" You were talking till Ink cut you off. "Wow (Y/n) you have some weird dreams,do you have Stockholm syndrome? Are you sick?" He asks feeling the temperature on your forehead. "Wa-? No! Ink what's going on??? I KNOW I was with Error before I got here,so why am I here!" You shout.

Ink looks at you giving you a fake expression of confusion. It fooled you apperently. "What are you talking about (Y/N)? That was a dream,this is real! I'm real! But whatever happened there did not!" He states,struggling to choose his words carefully while grabbing your hand to assure you.

"No! Stop it! Stop lying to me Ink,it couldn't have been a dream! It felt so real- I it felt real!" You say breaking into small sobs. It broke your heart,you started beleiving him. 'No...It had to be real,it just had to be! I fixed him! He felt!-'your mind wondered as you cried and sobbed feeling a hole in your heart begin to stem and grow.

Ink comforted you,he hugged you and told it was going to be ok. He whispered more things as you began to calm down. "Hey,at least your ok. He hasn't hurt you yet,but now your safe with me! You wont see that monster ever again!" He says joyfully as he hugs you tighter. (No hes not a yandere jeez,he wont kill Error)

Ink Sans p.o.v

(Ha you probably expected it so here it is :P)

When she calmed down,I led her to her room as I went outside to MY anti-void.

Yes,my plan is coming together. She'll stay and fall in love with me. I fooled her and now she'll trust me and only me. We'll be together and stay beside each others side as we view and go against Error. The bad guy in this.
I just couldn't let her fall in love with a villain,a hero needs his prize. So this is what I'm gonna get as karma strikes Error once again.

I cackle evily,shes the only one that has given me emotion,so now I can live a perfect life at last~


Word c - 614 words

Ok maybe I made him a bit into a yandere,but it's not that bad. Hes like in the middle beetween Yandere and love at first sight/obsessed???
Chapter 9 is coming soon,proper for the end in chapter 10. You never know when it'll go down hill~
Love ya ♡♡
- Grill

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