Part 4

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It was .................................

Author P.O.V

Error, he just stepped his foot in when you teleport blue to the ceiling tied him there along with teleporting your self in the strings. You motioned Blue to be quiet and he followed your orders. As Error finally stepped through the portal, you put a fake mad expression, since its pretty rare for you to get mad."HeYa, HoW's It HaNgInG?" You tried your best not to giggle but you failed. Come on, cant a person just laugh at what they think is funny? Error looked at you with a surprised expression with a yellow hue on his face. Your short unexpected plan seemed to be working until he decided to lay down and look up, only to end up seeing Blueberry free from his puppet form hanging from the ceiling. Only then did he look back at you and realized he didn't even tie the strings to a bow, they were only supposed to wrap around you! 'Uh-oh,' You thought.

Error was glitching out,"DiD yOu do this?" He sounded angry,(NO SH*T SHERLOCK) THis terrified you."Uh, no....." You said trailing off. "YoUr A bAd lIaR," He said even more furious because of your lie. I know Error is bad and all but he's still a Sans, so hating liars is what he does. You were scared as he approaches you."P-please don't hurt me!"You said as your ears flopped down and you faced away from him. He seems to get reading to attack you after he turns Blueberry back to his button-eyed form.

He approached you but suddenly glitched out and instead of harming you, the pet you. You purred adorably like the dammmm Neko you are (>:3333)

Once it seemed like he realized what he was dong, he stopped petting you leaving you dissapointed while he glitches again. But this time it seemed more serious.

You see that in front of im is a big box that says,'Error.exe has crashed.......reebooting'Then you read the smaller letters and see that it says,'Estimated time:1 hour' You scream once you read that and start a tantrum. Once you get tired after about 15 minutes you lay him down and use him as a pillow, seeming as his jacket is the softest part.

What you didn't know tho, was that Error was still seeing everything during his reboot...


Sorry this was short but im trying to finish a chapter each day, so far it's going good but I don't want to jinx it XD

Welp, that's all see you next chapter my, Pringle, fry, and potatoes!!

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