Chapter 6

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A/n im back and i want to apologize for not writing or updating for a long while....That was because I had writing bloco.But anywau,enjoy! Oh btw your meeting with Ink will restart lol.

My p.o.v

You walked up to the skele and tapped his shoulder."Um...hello?"You said,in more of a question.The skele then turned around,"Oh,Hi!" He exclaimed.Then he looked at you for for a good 2 seconds and he was slightly shocked."Hey,your the one Error kidnapped right?Are you ok?" Wait...Kidnapped?"Oh,no! I wasnt kidnapped,i just woke up in that um,anti-void" You said. "Im actually trying to go back there with Error!" You slightly shouted." he did say the truth...anyway,why do you want to go back? Dont you hate him?" He asked,confused about what u wanted to do."

No,i dont hate him.In fact he helped me!"...."kinda" you muttered.
"Well anyway,Im Ink the uh,skeleten heh!" He said proudly."Oh right,soryy *ahem* Im (Y/n)the um...neko hehe" You said nervously."Anyways you should probably go back to Error,I would help you but I uh have to protect the aus.Anyway,ill cya sometime bye!" He shouted as he jumped into a portal.

Well that was questioned what Ink was doing anyway,he seemed to be bluffing.You decided to practice your magic since if you ever wanted to get back it'll take a continueusly snapped your fingers opening and closing the portal.Each one was a different au.Some edgy,some extremley cheerful,some normal etc.

You then saw one with a white void. "Hey,thats the anti-void!" You quickley ran into the portal before it decided to randomly close.You felt extremeley excited to be back,but there was unfortunatley no one there..."H-hello?!Error are you here?"


Error kept looking and searching for you for a really long time.He eventually got tired so he decided to open a portal back to the antivoid.When he did,you saw the portal open and decided to walk towards it.Turn out at the same time Error wasnt paying attention so both of you suddenly bumped into eachother and fell.By suddenly i meant you triped over air,both of you were in shock.

Error ended up falling on top of you as he decided to process what just happened.He opened his eyes and you were just staring at him in shock.Both of you stared at eachother without a word.You wanted to say something but the silence was calming.Then Error slowly leaned in and you just stared blushing.

And then....

Sorry but i wanted to do that.Once again I apologize for nit updating lol,it was kinda difficult focusing on art,animation memes and youtube at the same time :P
Anyway thanks for reading! The next chapter will come out sooner then expected so stay tuned :D
Have a great day/afternoon!

Word c - 505

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