Chap 10 - Final course

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Haha what do ya know I'm writing this Dec 14. Yikes I didn't want you to wait but it IS the FINALE so... still sorry I'm in my last year of middle school. It's tough :')

Authour p.o.v

You silently went out of your room as to not alert anything. You didn't carry that many things since...well you put most of your stuff in that mini fridge. It was lighter than expected plus it had wheels! Anyway,you walked down the steps- mini fridge in front of you. You opened the back door and went out throught there. Not forgetting to lock it and closing it.
It's been a few minutes you're around 5 feet from the barrier. Just to be cautious,you prepare to run into it in order to hold some speed. began.
You slowly walked back before sprinting to the barrier,the fridge in front of you of course. You do that,the fridge goes outside smoothly. You were surprised,on the other hand though. It felt like jello,you had to try hard to make it through,it felt crushing but kind of relaxing you couldn't stay there foreber though. Ink would be there soon and your not risking it,so you used all your adrenaline to get out of the jello ton feel.

Once you made it out you were tired,but adrenaline running through your veins boosted you. You ran and ran with your belongings till you were far enough to not see the house. Though you saw a spark of light,it must've been Ink. 'Oh no' you thought simultaneously,you planned far but not THIS far! Where are you going to go?!?

You didn't have much time so the only olace you decided to go was....home.

You imagined the portal,trying your best until you finally got it. You got your belongings and dipped.

You went into the anti-void and looked around. You missed it,you look up to see a puppet. Speciffically your best friend! You look around and see the strings,tying them up ino a braid you climb. Finally reaching good ol' Blue. You grabbed him not dropping the poor thing this time,once you grab it the doll seems to have smiled more than ever. You climb down and set it to the floor where the magic happens and he's set free. A beam of light shines before you feel to arms hug you,you hug back letting a tear out. You missed your friend so much.

And so here goes another plan and to tell a long story.

Error was hopping universes, bringing a few people along that would help. He was looking EVERYWHERE for you until one place came to mind. "tHaT's iT!" Everyone looked at him confused. Ink took her to his place!

Error finall teleported them there only to see Ink in front of a bug house with a barrier slowling going down.

Ink turns around,face only expressing boredom and anger only to conceal them with a charming smile. "Hi Error! He says 'stars' in his eyes. "Why'd you come here?" He continues. Error scoffed,clearly annoyed at the display. "nIgHtMaRe tOlD mE eVeRyThInG, sToP fOoLiNg aRoUnD aNd TeLl Me wHeRe sHe Is." It took a few moments of glaring before Ink changed his expression cackling. "HAH! I don't know where she is! Even if I did why would I tell you?!" He says taking a breath. "If anything I'll find her first!! Just you wait,you're never gonna see her again!!" He laughs before teleporting away. Leaving Error dumfounded while his anger and frustratiin began to boil. "tHaT'S iT" he says calming himself a bit. "We aRe gOiNg tO fInD hEr bEforE inK does!" The guys look a but sumbfounded. "What?!" Error asks. "Well um...broski I uh...yer glitchin' is gone" Fresh replies. Error looks at the others in a bit of shock.


You and Blue were funally done,Blue decided it'd be a good place to hide in his au. You agreed and so you held his hand and concentrated on going to his home. You look up and you walk through the protal. It looked beutiful! Blue walks you to his house,he opens it only to find a sobbing tall skeleton on the couch,hands on his head and tears rolling down.

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