Chopy chap 3

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Author-Fry P.O.V

You were silently hanging still tied to those darn strings. You tried getting out of the strings, and that's when you feel one of the strings loosening up. You look up at the string, only to notice a few dolls hanging from the ceiling. They all look like Error but different versions."I didn't know Error liked to nit!" You said to particularly no-one. Suddenly you fall and the strings that held you stayed hanging there. You decided to clime the strings but realized it would be impossible, so you instead tie the string like one braid. Then you begin climbing and reach a certain doll. He had star eyes and looked a bit goofy, he had a light blue bandana (?) tied around his err...colarbone.He seemed to wear some armor and wore some pants with light blue boots.You grabbed him and accidentally let him fall. You flinched as you began falling.




(Still falling)

Something caught you...It was the doll! Of course, it cant be the small dol, no way! He was a regular size, still short but that makes sense."Hi human!!" The skele said. "It appears you have freed me from being a puppet, Thank you!" He said overjoyed as he put you down."Thanks for catching me, MY name is (Y/n)! Also,youre welcome!"You replied. "Nice to meet you hu-i mean,(Y/n)! Im Sans, but everyone calls me Blue or Blueberry!!"He said."Anyway, how did you get here?"He asked tilting his he-err skull."Well, long story short I don't actually know how I ended up here, I only woke up, met this guy named Error and then he left for his job?"You ended confused. Blueberry looked at you a little surprised. Both of you stood there in silence until you asked."Anyways, do you know a way out Blue?" Blueberrys eyes lit up."That's right! I do now a way out, but we need someone to be here and im not sure if we can leave until we have a plan to contact my friend." Blue said, looking a little sad."Hey don't worry well make a plan, I know we can do it!" You said filled with.....HOPE and PRESERVERANCE (No those aren't your soul trait, were not even 10 chapters in the book!)

Suddenly Blueberrys eyes lit up even more if that is even possible."That's it,(Y/n) you have such a great idea!" He shouted."I do?" You asked curiously. "Yeah! We need to feel positive in order to contact my friend!" He said."Wich friend exactly?"You said slightly tilting your head."My friend Dream, You see,im a member of the star sans' and I protect alternate universes! Mwe heh heh, I the magnificent sans loved helping others. But our team hasn't been on missions, not any that i know of." He said. You felt a little bad for him, knowing he might have been stuck here for a long time.

Then suddenly a portal opens, and someone came out the portal.

It was.....


Ok, guys that it for this chapty, hope ya like it.LOl, btw I had writer's block like every two sentences so I really hoping this wasn't trash XD. Anyway, that's all my Pringles and potatoes, see you next chap!


Error:So WhEn ThE hElL aM I GeTtInG bAcK To ThE StOrY.LiKe cOmE oN iM oNe Of ThE MaIn ChArAcHtErS!!

Grill: Ill let you back jesus! Just follow the script, its only been 3 chapters in,dont be so impatient.

Blueberry: Yay! I the magnificicent sans is in the story,mweh heh he!

ink: Ok but where do i come into the story? I was only introdused and left immidietly? Plus me breaking a deal? I wouldnt do that!

Grill: AHEM *Points to underverse ink*

Ink:......O...... 0-0

Ok now thats all, cya!

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