Chappy Part 2

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Your P.O.V

I start waking up until I feel a presence next to me. It seems to be just standing there....Maybe its just my imagination?What if- "HeY,WhO aRe yOu? I kNoW yOur aWaKe!" THe glitchy voice said. I try to pretend im asleep,but i start fidgeting. At this point i might as well open my eyes,so i do. When i open them i see a figure next to me. It appears to be a black skeleton with black slippers, a black sweater with a red sweatshirt underneath, red-eye socket with yellow pupicks (Pupil/pinpricks lol) his hands seemed to be black/red with yellow at the fingertips.You didn't realize it but you stared at him for little too long."ArE YoU DonE StAriNG At  mE?"He said clearly annoyed. "HUH?! oh uh, sorry.." I said embarrassed and looking away.He rolled his eyes."EnOuGh WiTh ThiS nOnSeNse,MY NaMe Is ErRor Now AnsWer mY QuEsTiOn!"

Authour-Fry P.O.V

You flinched but finally decided to answer."I....dont know how I got here? All I remember is a black void and then waking up here..." You stated confused. Suddenly a port opened and another skeleton came out, honestly are skeletons the only things alive? This skelee was different tho,he had a sweater tied around his waist with different color vials on his sholder.The vials were on something that a girl scout would probrably put on.He had an ovesized paintbrush hanging on his back and had a scarf that bareley touche the....uh floor.

(Yeah,like that cuz i got a little lazy :^)

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(Yeah,like that cuz i got a little lazy :^)

He looked at you and had a surprised look on his face. "Error!Are you serious?!" He said."I thought we agreed to not do this,it was part of the deal!!" He shouted."SHe CaMe oUt oF nOwHeRe InK i d-DiDnT d-Do aNyThInG!"Error replied shouting.He started arguing with 'Ink'.You were walking until some blue string picked you up and saw ink leave."W-wHeRe Do You tHiNk YoUr gOiNg?!" You screeched and started tugging at the strings.

Error P.O.V

Why of all things do i have to deal with her? I mean shes cute and all bu-WAIT WHAT?! I should start destroying aus.Ink already broke the deal,he thought i wouldnt notice huh?Heh,lets see how this will go,hopefully i dont run into that 90's Freak (Hey!Be nice to Fresh come on!!!) Anyway,i need to start my job."oK YoU!" I said. " name is (Y/N)" She said. "YeAh,YeAh WhAtEvEr,I HaVe a JoB To Do,So DoNt Go AnYwHeRe!" I said before leaving.

Your P.O.V

'Dont go anywhere'? Really?! Where does he expect me to go with these string tied around me!Honestly its going t leave mark on my skin!Besides that I have nothing to do!Somebody please help?


Ok guys,this chapter might have been short but i tried!!THanks for reading pringles and potatoes see you next chapter!

*Fry has finished the chap chap

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