Chapter 5 (REAL)

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Author P.O.V

You woke up and say Error enter a portal. It seems he left the portal open so you changed into a wolf.(Sorry, did I say that you can shapeshift into animals? No? Well, now you can!) You walked in the portal only to see Error destroying things. By the time he got back, you were in what was left of that au.......a void. A black void to be exact. You were confused at first but realized Error left and there was no way to get back.

*Meanwhile in a certain someones p.o.v.*

Error P.O.V

I get back only to realize that Y/N isn't here."Oh nO, wHeRe iS ShE?!" I was so worried and confused. What if shes stuck somewhere and I won't find her?

*Back to Author P.O.V*

Author P.O.V

You were confused and didn't know how t get out of the black void you were in. Then you remembered about Error's Portal again. Maybe it had to do with magic!!SO you decided to attempt to train yourself/your magic in order to make a portal.

-Time skip:About a day or so.-

Halfway through your training, you snap your fingers by accident. And Bam! A portal forms,but it does not seem to be in the anti void. Instead,it was another au. But of course, you didn't know that and just thought it was fake. So you walk through the portal and see a human with another skeleton. This skeleton was the one Error was arguing with. If you remember correctly, his name was 'Ink'? "Uh...hi?" You said it sounded more like a question tho.'Ink' flinched, not expecting to see anyone else that's, not from the au."Hi, what are you doing here, I thought you were with Error?" He asked."Well, it's a long story" You said."Well, can I hear it?" He asked with curiosity. You sigh as you start explaining the story.

*Meanwhile, elsewhere (A.K.A The anti-void)*

Error was pacing back and forth. Questioning how you so called "Escaped".Yes, he was a little mad, because he thought you betrayed him, even though you accident and get lost.

At this point, Error was thinking of places you could have gone. Seeing as he accidentally forgot to analyze your code so he could memorize it. The more he was thinking the more he was frustrated. He started getting tired but didn't give up. Error then started to realize that when he entered the portal you went along. This scared him since he erased that au. So, he started opening a portal to that destroyed void and finds a portal wide open. But before he could go inside, it closed last minute...


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter.orry for not updating, I just lost ideas, plus I was busing getting a new phone. (Since I lost my other one, which is also why I started writing my books again.) But anyway, hope you loved this chapter and ill see you in the other 2 or so!

-The Grill that fried itself from heat stroke

Words c - 500

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