Chapter 7

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Heyguys,sorry for not updating.I didnt really have much motivation for the last 3 chappys XD
I'm righting this as I go may not be the best.


Last chap Recap:
Error ended up falling on top of you as he decided to process what just happened.He opened his eyes and you were just staring at him in shock.Both of you stared at eachother without a word.You wanted to say something but the silence was calming.Then Error slowly leaned in and you just stared blushing.

And then....




*Chap Loading*





He kissed you.






Authour P.O.V
You blushed immensly as you tried processing what just happened.He leans back and the both of you just stare into eachothers eyes,not knowing what to do.
A few moments later he speaks up."aH-aHeM,iM uH..." he was embarrassed and began glitching out.You were still in loss for words and had trouble speaking.


Error's P.O.V
Oh no...I messed up.She probably doesnt even like me...oh more second and Ill start glitching out...."aH-aHeM,iM uH..." errr,crap...oh no its starti-


Back to Author P.O.V
The next thing Error sees is an Error sign as he begins to reboot.You sat there still thinking about the took a few moments but Error reebooted faster than before.You stare at him again as he feels the need to die and not feel embarrassment anymore."Lo-lo-lOoK I-iM sOr-Ry f-Fo-" before he continues to ramble you hold both sides of his skull and kiss him.It takes him a moment to proccess it until he kissess back.Once the kiss breakes you look away and blush.


Error still being surprised,stares at you lovingly."I-its ok,I like you too..."You say as you look back at him.You (ONE AGAIN XD) stare at eacheother.You wait for a response but you didnt get one.That isnt until you got a surprise hug from Error."ahhh!" you fall over giggling as you fall over."E-error!" You say mid-laughing and hugging back."wHaT?I jUsT wAnTeD a h-HuG" He sayz giving his signature wink at you while grinning.

"At least warn me next time you dummy!"Still laughing from the hug."aWw oK..."You two hug for a while in silence until he says."H-hEy" "Mhm?" you respond."dO-dO yOu wAnT tO bE m-mY gIrLfRiEnd?" he asks.Your eyes are filled with happiness as you hug him tighter."Yes!Of course!" you exclaim hugging maybe bit too tightly."m...My...rI...bS..." he painfully said


"Oh! Sorry Error." You said loosening your grip."i-It'S oK lOve"He replied with a wide grin than a usual one."Oh,so were starting with the names,huh?"..."yUp"."Well to can play at that game!"

-The both of you spent a long while trying to beat eachother in your 'game'-


Eventually both of you got tired of name calling.Error decided to get some food ad brought (fav/top) pizza for dinner.Since you were still hungry he ended up getting you more food...until he didnt want to.

The both of you finally decided to end the day as Error got some blankets,a mattress and 2 pillows for you two to sleep in.


What you didnt know is that someone was watching from afar...







ANNNNNNNNNNNND that concludes this chapter!
Thanks to InklustSans
for motivating me on doing this chapter.
Thx for reading,see you next chapter ^W^

(Feel free to vote&share ;P)

Word C - 590

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