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POV: Seth Cirn

I have every reason in the world to hate humans. They get in the way of what matters, and expect to be treated like their impact is as big as ours. We're given the same opportunities, but humans simply can't fulfill them the same way giants can.

There's a wall of glass, two feet thick. You line me up next to a human of my height translated, and ask us both to kick the wall. Who's going to crack the glass? A human would get lucky to crack it, but I would go straight through and demolish the glass. After this, the human gets just as much recognition as me for cracking it.

There's a reason we're given borders. Yes, safety, but obviously that's not it if humans can come over as easily as they can. We need to be separated and go off on our own paths, which is why we limit the path of humans once they cross. They get rights taken away because they don't need them here, this place isn't meant for them. Let me cross over to their side, and give me the same rights as a human. How horrifying would that picture be?

We have equality, we don't need equity. Equity will hurt us all.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone. "Yes, I'd like to schedule a drywall replacement. I'd say it's about... a hundred times forty feet of wall that needs to be replaced? ... Yes. ... Um, I'd have to check with my partner, but... hold on." I set the phone against my chest to muffle the speaker. "Laurie! What day are you getting your nails done, and what time?"

"Saturday, 3pm!" she calls back.

"Sorry for that, would this Saturday afternoon work? ... Yes, 3:30 is perfect. How long will this process take? ... shoot, if you can do it even faster I'd appreciate it, but I think two hours is fine. You see, I'm trying to surprise my partner with a redecorated kitchen," I lie. "... Thank you so much, contact me again if you need more details." I hang up. Finally, if I can't get rid of the human and Laurie doesn't want to, I'll have it taken out one way or another. Fucking humie doesn't stand a chance.

Oh no, I said the word humie, how mean am I? Not at all, the "slur" is just a slang word for human. It sounds so similar to the word "human," that no one should really be offended. If any human has a huge problem with me using the word, they can take it up with me personally.

I think that's why Laurie's been bothering me, though. She's actually standing up to me for thinking how I do about the situation, and I don't know how to really react. We've known each other since we were 19, and now we're both 26. She's taking the side of an insignificant human over me, her actual boyfriend. What wonders could this underdeveloped giant show to the one I love?

It's not a love thing, obviously, I'm not turning my side of this into the whole "who will the girl choose to marry?" debate, more into the "is this female role going to choose her boyfriend of 3 years and friend of 7 years, or waste away all that love for a child she met a week ago who can tap on a wall?" debate. It's also totally morally wrong to have an interspecies relationship, even Laurie could tell you that.

POV: Laurie Sernal

He's right.

POV: Seth Cirn

So I'm really debating with my girlfriend about something as dumb as this. We could meet halfway and just let the human go without consequence, but where's the fun in that? I don't get my kicks from abusing humans, but if you deserve to get some sense scared into you, then I'm willing to deliver.

So help me if I'm thrown to the curb over a situation (and a person)  a hundredth of my size.

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