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-sorry in advance for the length (or lackthere

POV: Nolan Queen

It happened. I was actually hurt. I can't think straight. Laurie took me out but I don't trust her either. Seth said he wants to understand humans but he can't. He refuses to even if he does want to. I was pushed back into the wall, picked up numerous times, called slurs and even flicked away. I have a bruise on my arm now from impact. I want to talk more, but I'm just so scared now. I'm not made for this.

I'm tense the entire ride to the police station, and when we go in, I'm set on the counter. "I'd like to file an abuse report against someone," Laurie states to the secretary.

"File your information and the suspect." The secretary slides a form to Laurie and I help her fill out the information.

Source: report document

Name of victim: Nolan Queen

Sex: M

Age: 17

DOB: 05-03-01

Height: 5'6

Eye: Black

Hair: Black

Skin: C11

Name of suspect: Seth Cirn

Sex: M

Age: 26

DOB: 11-28-91

Height: 96

Eye: Grey

Hair: Lt. Brown

Skin: D2

Brief explanation of situation:

The suspect has beaten the victim in a hate crime, including being flicked and pushed, major physical effects on the victim due to size difference. Suspect was interfered by a witness before any more could take place.

Current evidence of crime:

Witness viewing, text message by suspect to witness of a photo of the victim, bruise on victim's right arm, time in which victim crossed the border, phone call from border workers.

We turn the report back into the secretary. "Good luck on your case, we may need to make this a trial," she says, examining the sheet. "I'll call you in 2-5 business days to get a look at how this case will move forward."

"Thank you," Laurie and I reply. but only Laurie's response is heard. On our way out, we save all the evidence we gathered, including a screenshot of the text, a photo of my bruise on my phone to get a clearer picture and checking to see if the workers save their phone calls and times of crossing (they do!).

"Are you feeling better now?" Laurie asks at the border.

"Yeah," I reply softly, trying to get past tapping. "I'll come back once a day." It sounds forced and fake, but I really do want to get this figured out. I cross over, suctioning back and trudging toward Laurie's house. I want my old life back.


4 days pass. As planned, the news comes in. Upon meeting with Laurie again, feeling a bit braver, it's  been decided that this will be a court case that needs to be taken further. The Court Act of 2012 states that the jury must have a considerable amount of both humans and giants in it to ensure fairness, which is a plus. Otherwise, however, everything could weigh against me.

This is a huge problem for two reasons. 1. If Seth goes free without consequence, someone else could get hurt. 2. To uncover evidence, we have to know that I illegally crossed the border and broke into their house, and also possibly stole their food since only one inhabitant of the house consented.

I begin to think of how to word my case.

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