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-I'm publishing as I go and only revising the plot, not typing errors yet. Sorry if there're two spaces between words, commas instead of periods, etc., I'll fix them when I get a chance-

POV: Laurie Sernal

I cancelled my nail appointment. I can't just let this happen without me knowing. I don't even know his name... but I still need to help. I'm going against everything Seth wants, but I have no choice. I'll feel like the blood is on my hands if I neglect him.

Seth is asleep. Thankfully, I sleep next to the nightstand, so I can get into his phone. There's no password, which is nice to prove he's loyal, but also great to see who he's been calling. I look at numbers and google them on my own phone to trace them back. One of them leads to Structure Manufacturers and Repairmen, obviously the company I'm looking for.

I set the phone down and erase any evidence I was on it, of course after copying the number onto my own phone. I get up to call them, but Seth asks me a question that holds me back, also physically holds me by my wrist with his hand.

"What are you doing, Laurie?" his voice is deep and groggy from sleep. I pause.

"Women problems," I lie. "I'll be back in five." He releases me and I go to the bathroom, not my expected location to call.

"Hello?" I whisper. "Yes, sorry for calling at an hour like this, but I wanted to cancel an appointment for Saturday at 3:30, under Cirn. ... Yes. ... Indeed so. ... Thank you so much, I apologize in advance. Goodnight to you too." I hang up and go back to bed. Seth doesn't know a thing.


The next morning, Saturday, I go over to the wall to talk to the human. "I just need to ask one more question, so I know how to refer to you. What's your name? You don't have to speak after this."

"Moling," I hear through the wall.

"That's a cool name, Moling," I reply. The tile pushes open.

"Nolan," he corrects me, pulling the tile back in.

"Oh, still cool. I cancelled the drywall appointment. Can you rest easy now?" He taps once, but once again after about a second. I think it's a yes, but I could be wrong. He's probably uneasy about being here, which I understand. "I'm sorry if we're scaring you a lot. Are we?" One tap. "Really? After all these threats against you?" Two taps. "You're a brave person, Nolan. I respect you for putting up with this shit." He taps once.

"You don't think you're brave?" I ask. He taps three times. We established it as goodbye, but more directly, "Until next time, I have to go."

"Are you sure?" Two taps. "See you soon then, Nolan." Three taps again.

I never told Seth I cancelled his plans, nor my own. He has to believe I did nothing and the replacers just didn't show up. I leave the house to "get my nails done" as I go to the backyard to just wait.

A half hour goes by, they should show up whenever now. Well, they would've shown up whenever now. I feel weird, standing in my own backyard to trick my boyfriend into thinking I'm doing my nails instead of tricking him so I can go bang another guy or gamble or fulfill my desires of running an ice cream truck, whatever people do.

Another 15 minutes. Nothing, of course, but I do hear noise. I get a text from Seth: "How are those nails coming?" I come up with an excuse on the spot so I'm also able to explain going to get my nails done and coming back with normal nails.

"The line is held up :/" I send, waiting for the time to tick by faster.

Eventually, another half hour passes and I decide to re-enter the house. "The line wouldn't get shorter, so I just rescheduled," I lie.

"Funny, because I rescheduled something, too," Seth tells me as I enter the kitchen. There's new drywall.

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