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POV: Nolan Queen

I took a nap. I rarely do that, since I'm used to getting up at 5 or 6am and asleep by 9 or 10. But today I took a nap, and it was the worst day to do so. I'm woken up with a jolt as some sort of debris falls on me, hurting my arms. When I open my eyes, light is flowing around me, so I can see the bits If drywall and tile surrounding me.

There's no way. Is the drywall being replaced? More debris crashes around me, and the hole of light above me is larger. They're working their way down. Panicking, I repack quickly and try to retrace my way through the tunnel. Dust and drywall gets all over my home. Light is everywhere. I can be seen. Just as I zip up my case, the final layer busts in, revealing me. A worker with a hammer eyes me curiously, but I don't notice him with a satisfied looking Seth in the background. I break our eye contact first as I go through the passageways I marked.

"Laurie lied to me" is the only thought on my mind as I follow the now fully-lit marks on the wall to get outside. She said she cancelled the appointment, and she's not even here now. I shouldn't have trusted her, I was so fucking dumb for thinking a giant, who admitted she was a microphobe, would ever want to help me. She just wanted me to rest easy the way I did, so it would hit me by surprise. I have no reason to ever trust a giant again.

My thoughts are interrupted as I reach a passageway with no markings. I pull up my flashlight to try and see it, since I'm deep enough to block out light now, but my phone is dead. I should've memorized the path...

I take my best guess. I've got a decent chance of being right, anyway.

-two POV's in one chapter?? Wow how exciting and convoluted-

POV: Seth Cirn

Obviously I heard the phone call Laurie made, I was still half awake and we have thin walls (as you can tell). I didn't get mad at her, she didn't need to be yelled at. I just rescheduled it when she was gone and didn't tell her. She never told me she cancelled her nail appointment, so it's  not like she'd be here, and if she does show up, the damage will be done and the human will be gone.

Luckily, that's what happened. She bursts through the door and absolutely freaks the fuck out. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" she screams, loud enough to make even a giant house shake.

"Replacing the drywall, one of the tiles was broken and we needed to get them replaced anyway," I smile. 

"Where's Nolan?" she asks. Who the fuck is Nolan? "The human," she answers my thoughts.

"He left. Went through the paths in the back. You can look for him if you want!" I offer, gesturing to the fully patched wall. She pulls out her phone and I see she looks up where passageways in houses lead to. She looks up to me again and runs out of the house.

I bet the little fucker got lost. Laurie can follow suit all she wants.


POV: Nolan Queen

I'm lost. I meant to lead to the backyard. I'm out of the house, but somewhere on the side I think. The yard is such a large plain that I can't even imagine which direction to go in to reach the back. The grass is unmowed, coming up to my chest now. Choosing to walk left, since I'll know what I did wrong if I reach the front, I tug my suitcase over large grass blades.

Footsteps. They're very muffled from the soil, but there are footsteps. I look up. Laurie. Fuck off. I would normally call for her, but why would I ever let her touch me? She's not here to help me. I trudge on as she passes by.

She doesn't even notice I'm there as she passes, and she goes around the house a couple times. Finally, on the third or fourth try, as I'm about to reach the corner, I'm suddenly swiped in the air.

I'm suddenly terrified. I'm being held. Physical contact. It could end like this. I meet Laurie's brown eyes. "I'm so happy you're okay." Out of both fear and anger, I can't speak, I smack her hand once.

"What do you mean, no?" I muster up everything as she asks this.

"You said you cancelled it!" I yell. Humans are naturally quieter, though, so the effect isn't there.

"I did, he must have rescheduled it. I never went to get my nails done, I was in the backyard. I'm so sorry, Nolan."

I don't know what to believe. "Set me down." I tell her.

"Why-" she begins to ask.

"SET ME DOWN!" I yell again. She does so. I walk toward the front again, of course the wrong way, but it's now the way I wanted to go as I trudge down the sidewalk, back toward the border.

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