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-I gotta end this bitch right but I totally want to start writing another full story soon, I just need an idea that can last 20-ish chapters at least-

Three years later. POV: Nolan Queen

"So... it's been a while."

"I guess so."

"How's life been?"

"Good, I guess... I have a job now. Inflation's been deflating, if that makes sense."

"Yeah. I'm sorry about what I did."

"It's... well, it's not really fine, but it could've been worse. Bigotry can control a person. Are you getting better?"

"I think so, spending this much time alone gives you a chance to truly think about your decisions, especially the bad ones."

The glass is the only thing separating us. It's been three years since I last talked to Seth Cirn. I've become better as a person, and I agree now that what I did was wrong, even if it helped me out.

"What do you plan on doing when you get out?" I ask.

"I'm not really sure..." he runs a hand through his hair, much more noticeable as a nervous tick. "I want to kind of show the world I'm not evil, and I really regret what I did. I seriously do. Not even just because of jail time, I truly think that I fucked up," he replies, making and breaking eye contact naturally. He's telling the truth.

"I can forgive. Sorry for breaking into your house," I apologize.

"It's not even our house anymore anyway, we've both been gone for too long. I get to be broke and looking around the place for somewhere to live when I get out, which is strangely reminiscent of what someone else had to do a few years back." He looks me dead in the eyes and I look away, feeling a bit bad. "Don't worry about it," he tells me as if he could read my mind. "I deserved this."

I take a deep breath out. "I'll be sure to talk to you when you get out, see how you're doing. I have to go, otherwise. It was nice to talk to you after all this time."

"I agree. Thanks again."

"You too." I hop down from the table into the stool and slide down the leg, walking away as someone else comes up from behind. It's a short giantess with reddish hair, someone I knew a few years ago.

She sits down and begins speaking to Seth. "So, how are things?"

He doesn't look away as he responds. "I think they're getting better."

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