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-before I start, thank you so much for the votes, comments and everything else, I'm having a hell of a time writing this as you can probably tell and I appreciate the feedback so much-

POV: Nolan Queen

Finally. After at least 3 weeks of being here, I have a way to get access to the outside of the house. I just need to go through the passages I marked with my highlighter, which died in the process from so much marking, but any notes I write down anyway are important enough to memorize.

I'm about to go through it again to test it once and for all, when I hear Seth talking outside. I push open the tile the smallest bit, and I'm only a foot or so away from his hand. I'm probably about as tall as his middle finger is long, maybe I'm a bit taller. It's still slightly intimidating, but he hasn't noticed me. I close the tile again, since the sound quality is only hindered slightly when he's this close.

The phone call implies a drywall replacement. The wall in question is undoubtedly mine. I guess I got lucky, since I can always just leave now. I'd have to find a new house, though, which I imagine is much harder since the news of humans breaking into giants' houses has become a booming topic, so everyone is preparing.

He hangs up. It's scheduled for 3:30 on Saturday, and Laurie leaves a half hour before then. I have to tell her about this, but I can't speak to her. I refuse to. But I guess it's that or hit the streets again. Shuddering at the thought, I decide to do what makes most sense: bang on the walls with all my might.

"What the fuck?" Seth asks. "Laurie! Your firstborn is having trouble, you should help it so I don't have to!"

"He's not my firstborn, you dick." She comes into the room, clearly angry.


"Don't ask. Okay, I'm here, with  Seth. Is that okay?" I bang once. "Leave," she immediately says to Seth,

"Why should I-"

"Leave the room or we're done." I hear footsteps recede. "Now I'm alone, is it okay now?" I tap twice.

"Is there something wrong?" she asks, and I bang twice. "What is it? Well, I'm sure you can't speak it to me, but-" I push open the tile and poke my head out a bit, more than ready to close it again.

"He called to replace the drywall."

"Oh my god," she gasps. "You talked."

"Listen to me," I redirect her to my words. "He's replacing the drywall after you leave on Saturday, and I can't let him. I have no where else to go."

"I can't let him do that. Do you know who he called?" she asks. I hear Seth coming, knock against the next tile once, and close myself in again.

"Did you have a fun time?" he asks.

"Uh, yeah." The answer is blunt and clearly fake, but Seth doesn't care. I hear both sets of footsteps leave the kitchen, and I pray she finds the number as I begin to fold clothes, wet and dry, and pack them back into my suitcase.

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