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POV: Laurie Sernal

"You forced a human out of our house, and now he's wandering the streets on our side of the border."

"Yes, I believe so." Seth doesn't look up from his phone.

"A child. You discarded of a child looking for a home."

"It adds up." He doesn't look up still.


"Yes?" He asks, looking up.

"I'm done."

"What?" He drops his phone and stands up. "What did I do that's so bad?"

"You threw a minor out on the streets of a world not made for him. I don't want to be with someone so reckless."

"I'm not reckless, I'm helping us," he tries to explain. "We don't need something living off of us while we still have to pay for everything-"

"He wouldn't be here if he could pay! He was here so he had a chance of living, and he's not a thing, he's a person!" I yell.

"It can go live somewhere else."

"HE can live perfectly fine with us!"

"Are you sure? You can't even live perfectly fine here," he argues.

"Which is why I'm fucking leaving!" I grab my bags to go.

"Then enjoy yourself. Get an orphanage and just fill it with fucking humies. Go absolutely wild."

I don't reply as I shut the door behind me. I need somewhere else to go. I'm a parallel of Nolan now.

POV: Nolan Queen

I pull out my fake ID. They probably won't believe me now, so I'll get arrested or banned from crossing again or whatever. I don't even know if I care anymore. I hand the human worker my ID and she barely examines it, which isn't really expected now, and lets me go without consequence.

I hold my breath and pass, the suction even more aggressive on this side. A normal sized world awaits me. I feel so big and out of place now. Sighing, I continue on my way, looking for a new home or a job, whatever comes to me first, if either come to me.

I knock on Rosie's door. She opens, looking happy to see me, but also tired, knowing what I'm going to ask. I start the conversation first. "A lot has happened in the past month, Rosie."

She lets me in, sighing lightly as I begin to settle in and tell her everything.

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