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Sam's POV
I ran straight to Carly's place. I got a message saying it was urgent and nothing is ever urgent to Carly unless it is a serious problem. Spencer probably got them banned from the fire fighters again or something. When I arrived Carly was sat on the sofa with Freddie, his arm wrapped round her shoulder and her face in his neck, crying her eyes out. I ran over and gave Carly a hug.

"Whats up, kid?"

"MydadisinLAandIhavenowaytogoandseehim!" She got out in between cries.

I turned to Freddie. "What?"

"Her dad is in L.A and she has no way to go and see him!" He explained.

"Oh, what about Spencer? Couldn't he borrow Socko's RV and drive you there?"

"He has gone camping with Socko's grandmother."

"Surely he will drive back for something this important."

"We could try!" Freddie contributed.

"Fine, I'll give him a call." Carly said, getting out her phone and walking to the kitchen to talk to Spencer.

"Poor kid!" I said to myself.

"Yeah, must be horrible not being able to see your dad!"

I just stared at him for a really long time. Is he that stupid? His dad is dead and mine took off to God knows where. I always blamed myself for his disappearance, but I would always blame my mum to others.

"Oh yeah, sorry!" He chuckled.

Carly came back. "Spencer can take us!"


"Tomorrow!" She exclaimed.

"Awh Carls!" Freddie gave her a hug.

I thought for a moment. "I can get you there tonight! Follow me!" I raced down to the street and got on my bike, putting my helmet on. Carly and Freddie followed me out soon after.

"I am not getting on that death machine!" Carly shouted, Freddie shaking his head.

"Do you wanna see your dad or not?"

She contemplated before getting on and gripping to me for dear life.

"Fredweird, hop on behind Carly!"

"There isn't room!"

I groaned, getting off and grabbing an old shopping trolley next to the trashcans. I got some rope and tied the trolley to the side of my bike. "Get in!"

"There isn't a seat belt!"

I got more rope and tied it to the sides of the trolley. "There, seat belt!"



He reluctantly got in and I got on and started up my bike.


We were a couple hours away and the ride was going smoothly. Carly hadn't let go of my waist the entire time and Freddie was curled up in his little shopping trolley. We were going extremely fast on the motorway when I heard a crack. I tried using my brakes but they had broken. There was a huge rock coming closer as we zoomed down the motorway. Scared for my best friends lives, I had to think quick. I took off my jacket and gave it to Carly.

"Put this on your head!"


"Just do it!"

Secret Kisses (Seddie AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now