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"Some things can't be ignored. You can only conquer your past if you chose to face it!"
Two years later
Sams POV

I had been living with Cat for two years and my life had got a lot better. Our babysitting was going great and mine and Dice's relationship was going amazing. I was so lucky to have a guy like him. I hadn't even thought about the boy I left behind, but I did still care for him.

It was Friday night and me and Dice were curled up on the sofa, watching Hollyoaks.

"So, why is that Sienna girl arrested? Nico is better of dead!"

"I know right!"

He pecked me on the lips and the doorbell rang.

"Ding, dong!" I heard Cat shout from our room. I chuckled and headed to the door. I opened it, but froze in my spot when I saw who was there.

Stood at the door, was Freddie Benson. In the two years since I left, he had obviously matured and grown. He looked older and hotter,if possible. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. I don't know how long we were there for, but I didn't move until Dice cleared his throat.

"Hi. I'm Dice, who are you?"

"Freddie. Freddie Benson!"

"Nice. Are you a friend of Sam?"


"Dice, can I have a minute with Freddie please?"

"Sure baby." He kissed me on the cheek and left.

Freddie walked in and I close the door behind him. I turned and he was just staring at me sadly.

"Baby?" He asked, referring to Dice.

I ignored his comment. "What are you doing here, Freddie?"

"I came to see you! I miss you. It's been two years and you vanished without a trace."

"Maybe because I didn't wanna be found!" I mumbled, sitting on the couch. He sat next to me and took my hand. "Why?"

I turned away from him in an attempt to hide how I was about to break down. "All I did was cause you and Carly problems. I had nothing to stay for - so I left. I made a new life for myself and for once in my life, I'm happy. I have an amazing best friend, a nice home, a good job and a loving boyfriend. I'm happy here and there isn't anything you can say or do that will make me go back to Seattle."

"Spencer's dying!"

I froze. "W-what?"

He looked down and took a deep breathe. "About a year after you left, he was diagnosed with cancer. He has been having treatment but there isn't anything more they can do for him. He only has three days to live and he is lying on a hospital bed waiting for you. He wants you to see him. He said he can't bear to die without patching things up with you. After that, you can come back to your new, amazing life, and you can forget all about me and Carly. Just, please Sam - do it for Spencer. I'm staying at a hotel nearby and I'm leaving tomorrow. I'll give you time to think about it." He said before hesitantly placing a kiss on my hand and walking to the door. As soon as it shut - I broke down.

Spencer dying? It couldn't be. He was one of the strongest people I knew. Yeah, he was weak but he was mentally strong. He has so many critics and so many people thought he was too childish to get anywhere in life or to look after Carly - but he kept his head high and just kept being him. I wanted to say goodbye to him, but that would mean seeing Carly and the life I left behind. I was so deep in thought that i didn't notice Dice walk in and sit next to me.

"I heard it all. Now, I don't know who this Spencer guy is but from the way you're reacting, I can tell he was really special to you."

"He was my ex boyfriend." I noticed his face drop so I quickly explained. "But that isn't why I'm upset. He was my guardian for most of my life. My mum didn't care about me, my dad was god knows where and my twin sister didn't really care either. He was always here for me. He was like my big brother."

"Oh. Well, I know how hard it will be but you know you need to see him. You can't let him die thinking you don't care."

"I know but I just can't face everyone again."

"I can come with you!"

"Thanks but this is something I need to do alone!"

"Then I'll just go for morale support. Please Sam - I care about your,"

"Ok, thanks Dice!"

"No problem!"

We cuddled and ate ice cream for the rest of the night. I was really worried about tomorrow, but I was trying not to think about it that much!

Short chapter but I need to explain.

Basically, I didn't update on Sunday because I was going through some stuff and I just didn't feel motivated to write. I'll try and get better. I've just broken up with my boyfriend, I had an argument with my best friend and I've just been busy with school and trying not to get beat up by my ex best friend. Sorry guys.

I'll try to update constantly for now on, with longer chapters.

Bye guys - if you still read this book and haven't got frustrated with me xx

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