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"If two hearts are meant to be together, no matter how long it takes, how far they go, how tough it seems, fate will bring them together to share their love forever!"
Freddie's POV

While you read this chapter please listen to "This Is Not Goodbye" by Sidewalk Prophets. (Video at top!)

The start of this chapter is full of flashbacks btw......

I went to the hospital a few hours after the ambulance drove off and I had to wait in he waiting room while Sam was in surgery. Dice was with me and Carly was still locked in the hotel room. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't stop crying. Dice patted my on the back for comfort, but I could tell he was struggling to keep himself together. I just couldn't stop thinking of everything that has happened between me and Sam. When I told her I didn't hate her after the crash....

"I can't believe you did that! You risked your life for us! You could have died, Sam!"

"Maybe I'm better off that way!" she mumbled.

"Never say that, Sam! You are funny, amazing, smart, beautiful, tough. Plenty of people would miss you!"

"You really think those things?"

"I really do!"

"I thought you hate me!"

"I never said that!"

When I went to see T-BO and crashed her bike......

He came up to me with a big stick. "Wanna buy a bagel?"

"Nah, sorry Teebs. I just need some advice!"

"Oh sure. What you need?" He sat down opposite me,

"It's Sam. We kissed again last night. I really like her Teebs, but I know she doesn't feel the same." I sighed, my head in my hands.

"Well, that's easy! You really like her, right?"

I nodded viscously. "I love her with all my heart!"

"Then go for it. Make a move. I just want you to be happy. On the bright side, if she says no, at least you still got Carly!"

"I dunno. I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection, not from her! If I don't do anything - I'll be miserable. If I do something and she rejects me - I'll lose her."

"But if she says yes, you'll have her. Think about it. It's only like a 33.33333333333...." I shushed him and he continued. "percent chance of you losing her. Isn't it worth taking the risk? You could get everything you've ever dreamed of having!"

"I guess you're right, Teebs. Thanks for this." I gave him a hug.

"No problemo, little buddy. Tell me how it goes."

"Will do!" I said, before breaking the hug and rushing outside. If I was gonna do this. I was gonna do this right! I got on Sam's motorbike and drove, speedily, down the street. I probably went too speedily because I heard a crack. I tried the breaks, and they didn't work. Again? Why didn't Sam get them fixed?

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