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"The saddest word in the whole wide world is the word ALMOST.
He was ALMOST in love.
She was ALMOST good for him.
He ALMOST stopped her.
She ALMOST waited.
He ALMOST lived.
They ALMOST made it."

Freddies POV

I woke up and took in my surroundings. I was at the hospital. I was confused for a moment before I realised that Spencer had died last night. I tried to stand up, but something was weighing me down. I looked down and saw Sam led with me, he head on my chest. She was still asleep and I couldn't help but admire her.

Her eyelids were closed, hiding those deep blue pools. Her eyelashes fluttered every once in a while. Her long blonde hair was spread out across my chest. She looked breathtaking.

I decided it would be best to wake her up rather then leave her here, alone. I tried shaking here awake. No success. I tried talking to her. No success. Then an idea popped into my head. I leant down and captured her slightly chapped lips in a kiss. I only knew she had woken up when she started to kiss me back. I pulled away and looked down at her in awe. She smiled at me before rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

"Where are we?" She asked, yawning.

"At the hospital? Do you not remember last night?"

She had a thoughtful look on her face before it dropped in realisation, tears staring to build up in her eyes.

"S-Spencer!" She whispered. I cuddled her in my arms.

"Shhh. Don't worry, it wasn't your fault!"

"B-but, Carly-"

"-won't do anything to you. I'll make sure of it!"

She sat up and smiled thankfully. "We should probably find Carly and Dice and explain what's going on!"

"What's going on? Nothing's going on. I love Carly. You mean nothing to me!"

She started to let out some tears, trembling. "W-what?"

I grinned and winked at her. "Gotcha!"

I started laughing but stopped when I saw her face. She was glaring at me. "That wasn't funny after everything that's happened. Don't ever speak to me again. I'm so out of here!" She spat, standing up. I grabbed her hand.

"Sam!" I cried. She looked down, grinning, and winked. "Gotcha back!"

I shook my head, standing up and gave her one last kiss before taking her hand and walking to the waiting room. I didn't know how long we slept, so I didn't know if Carly was still here. But, by the looks of the empty waiting room, I guessed she wasn't. I turned to Sam. "Do you wanna head to your hotel room and explain to Dice, or should we go to Carly first?"

"Dice. I still care about him!"

I nodded and took her over to my car. We drove to the hotel in a comfortable silence, music playing quietly in the background. Sam started to hum the lyrics, so I joined in. She stopped and stared at me in disgust.

"Bitch, please. Who said it was a duet?" She said,, sassily, doing the finger Z thing.

I laughed at her weirdness and parked the car. I gave her a peck on the lips and stared deep into her eyes. "You ready?"

She took a deep breath and smiled. "Yeah, I am!"

We got out the car and headed inside. We walked up to Sams room and she unlocked the door. It was empty. "Dice?" She called out. I checked the kitchen and Sam headed straight to the bedroom. I heard a loud gasp and I ran over to the bedroom. I was shocked with what I saw.

It was Carly and Dice making out on the hotel bed.

I cleared my throat and they both stopped at stared at me. Carly was first to speak. "Freddie, I can explain...."

"No. No need. I was actually on my way to break up with you and I was trying to find a nice way to do it but you've just made this easier. We're done!"

"What? You can't break up with me. You love me!" She shouted, getting worked up.

"Funny, cause I just did!"

Sam turned to Dice. "Dice. I can't believe you would cheat on me! I guess it makes it easier too. I'm breaking up with you!"

"I know. I always knew you were in love with Freddie. From the day I met you. I found your locket and I knew he must have meant a lot to you for you to keep it all these years. I just thought I could help you get over him. Apparantly not. I hope you are very happy together."

I gave him a hug and Carly scoffed."No fair. How come their break up gets to be beautiful."

"Because Dice isn't a psycho."

"Yeah, neither am I. But you're dead Puckett!" Carly shouted.

She lunged towards Sam and started slapping her. I tried pulling her away but it was no use. She pushed Sam into the living room, where Sam managed to shove her backwards over the coffee table. She hit her head and stood back up, blood dripping down her face.

Sam took a step backwards. "Carly! I'm sorry!"

Carly was walking towards her and Sam was walking backwards until she hit a wall. Not just any wall. An open window. She looked out and saw how far we were from the ground. We were on the top floor. A drop from this height could kill someone. Carly lunged at Sam and held her out the window, me and Dice shouting at her to make het stop. But it was no use. She looked evily at Sam and whispered. "Ding dong the witch is dead. By Sam!"

I didn't have time to save her before Carly pushed her out the window and she was falling. I shoved Carly out the way and looked down. I couldn't see Sam, but I could see all the cars stopping and a group of people crowding round where I figured she landed. I ran out the room and made sure Dice was out too before locking Carly in. I heard her shouting for me to let her out, but I didn't care. Instead I ran down to the street, pushed my way through the crown and took a sharp breath. Sam was lead on her back, with her arm twisted in a way it should be twisted. She had blood runnin down her face and she was led in a big pool of blood. I went down on my knees and I took her hand, kissing it softly while whispering "Sam!" over and over again. I heard a siren in the distance. Soon enough I was pushed out the way and paramedics were surrounding her. They put her on a stretcher and carried her into thr ambulance. They wouldn't let me in so I stood and watched them drive away with the girl I love.

We almost made it!

Well then. Drama!

There are now three chapters left. More drama next chapter. Spencers funeral the chapted after that and then a nice fluffy ending (and an epilogue).

Tell me what you think. Because I wanted to update for you i'm in my pajamas at 8:10 AM writing. I've been writing since 7AM. I leave for school in 10 mins so imma go get ready.

Byeeeee xx

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